Italian Embassy complains over Bilderberg incident
Earlier int he Bilderberg conference we reported on an Italian MP being assaulted by Bilderberg security upon trying to gain entrance to the secretive meeting. You can see this below as translated by one of our readers from a Spanish website.
This has been completely ignored by the mainstream media, as if a prominent member of parliament being bloodied upon trying to enter a meeting that supposedly has nothing to hide wasn’t newsworthy.
According to the Italian news agency “Ansa” the Italian foreign ministry has requested that the Swiss make it known who was responsible for these egregious acts.
Additionally, Borghezio, the MP assaulted by the Bilderberg security, has vowed to take legal action against those responsible.
According to SwissInfo, Borghezio showed his deputy’s card but was not admitted because he was not invited to the event. However, Ansa reported that the security personnel laid “violent hands” on him and another Italian citizen, leaving one of them with a bloody nose.
Bilderberg scum confronted by protesters outside of the security perimeter
“Bilderbergers seen in the video clip include Peter Mandelson, Google founder Eric Schmidt, Peer Steinbrück, Franco Bernabe, Jacob Wallenberg, and Thomas Enders.
In one of the scenes, a protester explains how he had a conversation with a Bilderberg member who arrogantly told him that Bilderberg were busy “setting their agenda” and that demonstrators shouldn’t bother them.
Bilderberger Thomas Enders tells one protester, “don’t worry about it,” when he complains about Bilderberg’s undemocratic foundation.”
The fact that the world is waking up and confronting these disgusting, amoral individuals is quite refreshing. No longer can they live in their bubble of secrecy as they had in the past and their rage is showing. The intensified effort to censor and control the internet is largely due to the fact that it is almost solely responsible for spreading information about the Bilderberg group and other round table groups that would otherwise be kept within closed doors. I must take this moment to commend every single person who is taking action against these would-be controllers, as only a completely united public, devoted to transparency, accountability, and justice, can bring them down.
More pictures of Bilderbergers courtesy of
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Many videos from the final day of the Bilderberg Group’s 2011 meeting can be found here.
Don’t miss our coverage of the disinformation campaign launched by BBC to attempt to make talking about the Bilderberg Group a conspiracy theory.
Keep checking back throughout the coming days for in-depth coverage and aggregation of all of the important information for your perusal. I highly recommend sending this post to friends and family as it will function as a one-stop-shop for all of your Bilderberg 2011 intel needs.
Check out this video of the Swiss Security guards protecting their beloved overlords by destroying a sign with a slogan that would make any globalist seethe with anger. That pales in comparison to these same activists being stopped and having their cameras and data stolen. The security forces refused to tell them why they weren’t allowed to be there or what they were doing wrong. I have no idea how any self-respecting journalist or informed citizen could see actions like this and conclude that the meeting is nothing more than an extremely exclusive tea party.
Mario Borghezio (European Parliament for Northern League) has been badly beaten by the guards who were guarding the hotel where members of the Bilderberg Club meet (Hotel Suvretta House), according to Borghezio Secretary, Barbara Gatto, and the Italian ANSA.
Two minutes ago I spoke to Mario Borghezio. He’s at the police station and has been there for more than 2 hours arguing with the chief of national police services. I’ll keep you updated as soon as more information arrives.
- Daniel Estulin (website is in Spanish, translated by one of our readers known as Seven Brushes on our Facebook page.)
(AGI) St.Moritz – Lega europarlamentarian Mario Borghezio suffered a misadventure in Switzerland. Borghezio was about to attend the works of the Bildeberg club, which St. Moritz is hosting from today through Sunday. But when he showed his credentials to the Suretta Hotel staff, he was not allowed in and shoved around by the Club’s security people. ” They shoved us around,” Borghezio, who was in the company of his assistant, reported. (The same astute reader as above provided us with this link.)
Editor’s note: this has been completely ignored by the mainstream press that pretends to be covering the Bilderberg Group.
Swiss politician interviewed about the Bilderberg, talking about how it is a shame for his country. He also goes over why he wrote a letter to the Minister of Justice about this secretive anti-democratic meeting.
Male Prostitutes Service Bilderberg Members at Elite Summit?
10 absurdly imbecilic things said by the mainstream media about the Bilderberg Group’s 2011 meeting
#1 CNBC: The 120 participants attend in a private capacity and, officially, they do not forge agreements over global economic policy.
#2 BBC News: The gnashing of teeth over Bilderberg is ridiculous, says Times columnist David Aaronovitch. “It’s really an occasional supper club for the rich and powerful,” he argues.
#3 Time Magazine: A vestige of the Cold War, the only drawback of the meeting could be that the Chinese and the Russians are still missing.
#4 Forbes: Admittedly, it’s fascinating that some secret society, like the Wizard of Oz, choreographs events on a global stage. Puppet masters of the public’s fate. Conspiracy theories punctuate the otherwise mundane din of modern life, but riveting as it all appears, I’m not buying it. Would they? Absolutely. Could they? Implausible.
#5 Fox News: But the secretive nature of the meetings, that first began in 1954, has sparked countless conspiracy theories by those who believe the group is trying to form a new world order of sorts.
#6 CNBC: Its secrecy only serves to add fuel to the innumerate conspiracy theories that circulate around the event, with Internet message boards often channelling Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown and putting the “club” in the same bracket as the Freemasons and “Illuminati.”
#7 BBC News: Secret cabals extend beyond the Bilderberg Group. The Illuminati, which derives from a 16th Century Bavarian secret society, is alleged to be an all powerful secret society, including US presidents, that has controlled major world events. The Freemasons – famous for their peculiar handshakes – is a secret fraternity society that has become more open in recent years after extensive criticism.
#8 The Baltimore Sun: I suppose the Bilderberg Group, which was founded in 1954 at the Hotel Bilderberg in Holland, can supply us with a few thrills while we wait for Dan Brown to knock out another book. But a hotel in St. Moritz — especially one that features Teddy’s World for kids — doesn’t seem like the place to plot world domination. Shouldn’t they be meeting in a secret underground lair?
#9 NBC Affiliate KETK: If you believe Mafia hitmen hired by Castro killed JFK, or President Clinton was involved in murder, or George W. Bush planned 9-11…then this story is for you. That’s because the real Masters of the Universe are gathered in St. Moritz to decide your future. It’s called the Bilderberg conference, and it means more to European reporters than anyone here.
#10 BBC News: Some people are more susceptible than others to believing in wacky cabals, says Prof Chris French, of Goldsmith College’s psychology department. “It’s people who tend to be alienated by the mainstream, who feel powerless. They have a need to have a sense of control.”
(Almost) complete 2011 Bilderberg Group attendee list
Note that not all of the attendees want their attendance to be known or verifiable so they are omitted from the list, but they end up showing up regardless. There are always individuals spotted who were not on the list, and probably for good reason like Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama.
Swiss Members of Parliament to force their way into Bilderberg Group meeting, plan to arrest Kissinger and other attendees for war crimes
Dominic Schreiber of We Are Change in Switzerland appeared on the Alex Jones Show today and said a number of Swiss MPS are moving forward with an effort to have Bilderberg member and war criminal Henry Kissinger and others arrested.
On June 6, Paul Joseph Watson reported on Dominique Baettig’s call on Swiss federal authorities to apprehend the former U.S. Secretary of State.
Schreiber said a Jura canton representative Dominique Baettig and members of Swiss National Council are calling for the arrest of conference participants who are internationally wanted for war crimes, including George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, and Richard Perle.
In February, Bush cancelled a trip to Switzerland due demands for his arrest over the treatment of prisoners at Guantánamo Bay and other war crimes.
Baettig and Canton leaders are demanding access to the Bilderberg meeting and plan to confront the globalist group within the hour.
Swiss politician Lukas Reimann went on Alex’s show and said the Swiss People’s Party opposes the IMF, the World Bank, and the Bilderberg Group. Reimann plans to march to the gates of Bilderberg with Baettig and other Canton leaders.
The Swiss People’s Party is the largest party in the Federal Assembly, with 58 members of the National Council and 6 of the Council of States.
Dominique Baettig’s letter in Swiss German follows:
Jim Tucker: Libya War and Wider Middle East Conflict On Bilderberg Agenda
Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, veteran Bilderberg reporter Jim Tucker cited his insider sources who have revealed that bankster kingpin David Rockefeller was spotted at the resort located in St. Moritz, Switzerland, where the Bilderberg meeting is now convening.
The current patriarch of the Rockefeller family is a co-director of the Bilderberg Group along with the notorious war criminal Henry Kissinger and J.P. Morgan bank director Paul Arthur Allaire.
Tucker said the NATO action against Libya heads the Bilderberg agenda. The globalists want to create a “big bloody war” in the region, Tucker explained. High oil prices and exorbitant prices reflected at the pump will be used to gain the support of the commoners for continued military action in the Middle East.
Tucker also said the elite are outraged by the patriot movement and the alternative media’s coverage of the Bilderberg meetings and the release of information by moles and insiders. He said the elite attempted to get media magnate Rupert Murdoch to convince The Guardian in the United Kingdom and the Irish Times to scale back their reportage on the Bilderbergers, but he was unable to do so.
Tucker’s sources also said the Bilderbergers are stunned the presence of demonstrators and alternative media. This outrage will undoubtedly increase on Saturday when demonstrators arrive following Alex Jones’ call for a protest against the globalists and their agenda.
Prior to Jim Tucker’s interview, Alex talked with Prison journalist Paul Joseph Watson who reported that a Bilderberg member taken ill was given the red carpet treatment at the St. Moritz airport earlier today.
The incident was witnessed by We Are Change Birmingham, a British affiliate of the activist group founded in New York.
Additional flights were diverted to Zurich due to cloud cover and weather conditions. It is approximately a two and a half hour drive from the largest city in Switzerland to the resort town.
Arrivals have been reduced to a trickle. As noted earlier, our team has spied the arrival of the leading neocon and former assistant Secretary of Defense, Richard Perle, and possibly Microsoft founder Bill Gates.
Danish politician and current NATO boss Anders Fogh Rasmussen was also spotted. The presence of Rasmussen at the meeting lends credence to Tucker’s assertion that NATO’s campaign against Libya figures prominently on the globalist agenda.
Clearly manufactured bomb scare shuts down road to Bilderberg meeting
Charlie Skelton of the Guardian reports that a “tubular device” was “found” by Swiss police, two people were cuffed and taken away. Mr. Skelton said he will soon be in possession of a photo of the alleged perpetrator and will post it pronto. We will follow his post here.
In a transparent effort to block access as attendees arrive for this year’s Bilderberg meeting in St. Moritz, Switzerland, officials have claimed a bomb threat and closed a major road in and out of the historic alpine village.
Earlier workers erected a cloth barrier around the luxury hotel where the meeting will be held beginning today. The wall obstructing view of the hotel is an obvious attempt to prevent the media from observing the hotel grounds and possibly identifying its high-powered guests.
Earlier today, the Swiss media reported that a large group of protesters from the Swiss Young Socialists party is headed to Bilderberg on Saturday. In addition, according to another Swiss news report, the conservative Swiss People’s Party is also planning a protest at the Bilderberg meeting.
Bilderberg 2011: All aboard the Bilderbus
[...]Besides, if anyone can lay claim to fathering the EU, it’s Bilderberg. Sixty years ago, Europe was a mere Bilderbaby, conceived in a solemn ceremony on Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands’ mattress. It grew into a fine young Bilderboy, but the years have caught up with it, and now it seems its knees are creaking and its heart is weak.
[...]It’s a shame the attendees are still so phobic of attention, seeing as how this year there’s shaping up to be more press interest than ever. People and the media have finally started noticing this quiet little conference at the centre of the storm. The last two countries to play host to the meeting were Greece and Spain, both of whom waved goodbye to Bilderberg and said hello to austerity and unrest. Happy Christmas, Switzerland.
This year, a bunch of less-than-happy Brits are heading out to St Moritz by minibus, to voice their concern at the policies being thrashed out at the conference. They’ve dubbed their fifteen-seater the Bilderbus, and it leaves Nottingham on Tuesday after work. There are still ten seats to fill: it’s £95 return, and camping’s cheap when you get there. And I can’t stress this enough: it really is a sight to behold. (The conference, not the minibus).
There are two seats free on the bus, since Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Ken Clarke have both been forced to cancel. Which is good news for the chamber maids at the Suvretta House (because Ken is so very untidy – cigar stubs and Ornette Coleman CDs everywhere …)
If you’d like to book a place on the minibus, you can email the organisers at this address: And if you’re interested to see what crops up on the official Bilderberg agenda, then keep an eye on their website. Jockeying for position are the crisis in the eurozone, the Arab Spring, the Fukushima fallout (with Germany backing away from nuclear), and of course, what to do about the internet. That old chestnut.
Maybe this year they’ll hold a press conference like, I don’t know, grown-ups might. I won’t be holding my breath.
Editor’s notes: the above Guardian article was so full of fluff, sarcasm, and attempts at humorous non sequiturs that it effectively made the entire article a joke. For some reason the “journalists” at the Guardian think a secretive meeting of the world’s most wealthy and influential individuals in which they discuss the world’s most pressing issues without any accountability or public input whatsoever is nothing more than a silly meeting to poke fun at. Of course they realize this is not actually the case, or else there would not be such a concerted effort put forth to make the name “Bilderberg” inseparable from conspiracy theory, even though their actions are so well documented that calling it a theory would be farcical. After the last sentence above is one of the few instances in which the author accurately portrays reality, but then he follows it up by making the entire thing into a joke again, “But I will be sniffing the air of St Moritz. If I find out one thing this year, it’s going to be what Kissinger has for breakfast. Live eels snatched from a bucket? Or ducklings? Suddenly I’m imagining ducklings. And a mallet.”
Oh, isn’t that just cute! Don’t worry about the coordinated manipulation of sovereign nations and economies, let’s just joke around about Henry Kissinger bashing ducklings. Anything to distract the “unwashed masses” from paying attention!

Impromptu heavy security is implimented to keep any of the cretinous masses from trying to figure out how their supposed leaders are manipulating the world.
Bilderberg 2011: The polished blue line
I don’t know quite what I was expecting from a Swiss Bilderberg. I was expecting it clean, but I wasn’t expecting the Bilderberg I’ve found. For one thing, I was imagining a rather muted atmosphere, stern even – batons up, visors down – but there’s a happy buzz around the venue: the conference doesn’t kick off until Thursday but already there’s a growing crowd of journalists, bloggers and activists. The social justice group We Are Change are here in force. And (praise be!) representatives of the mainstream media are rolling up.
One of them is Anna Caprez, a journalist from Radio Rumantch, the Swiss radio station. She’s putting together a series of reports about the conference. “It’s a big story”, she says. “But only in March or April did we realize what Bilderberg is, or even that there is a Bilderberg conference.” [My emphasis. Is it not insane that a supposed journalist has not heard of the Bilderberg group until a few months ago? These meetings have been occurring for well over half a century and they have never stopped steering the world in the direction that most benefits them. I can't believe anyone could even call themselves a journalist without being completely informed about all of the round-table groups that direct police in the United States, Europe, and the world.]
She says it’s unusual to have the press descend on St Moritz like this. “We’re used to letting people do what they want here in the valley, in the Engadine. St Moritz is a special place. VIPs can be incognito, we’re used to famous people – who cares? – they can act and react without the press crawling over them. But this is different. This is important. And the media in Switzerland has finally woken up to it. The Swiss TV are coming, Swiss Radio, the Italian media. And it is thanks to him.”
Anna nods towards a man smoking a cheroot, enjoying a rare glimpse of alpine sun. “It is thanks to Manfred”. The Manfred in question takes a peek down a foot-long camera lens, which he’s focusing down on a security briefing in the hotel lobby. “There must be 300 security, easily” he growls.
Manfred Petrisch is a Swiss blogger and a long-time Bilderbotherer. This year, the conference is on his home turf, and he’s been lobbying politicians and the mainstream press for weeks.
“We put pressure on the media, we ask: “Why aren’t you reporting this?” – and now at last they have started. Of course, some of what they write is the usual, you know: just a meeting of some old guys sitting round, having a cup of tea.” He snorts his derision: “Come on! A four-day cup of tea, with heads of global companies, heads of state, EU commissioners, leaders of Nato, bank CEOs, people with a full schedule. They are not here for a cup of tea!”
Manfred has pulled strings with politicians, and questions have been asked in the Swiss parliament. “We asked and asked again: who is paying for all this? If we are to have a huge police force protecting a private meeting, as usual, then who is paying? The taxpayer? We made it a political problem.”
And the pressure seems to have paid off. “Look at what has happened! There is no police line, there is only private security. And they are not armed, not threatening, like in Greece or Spain. They are quite friendly. Of course, there are police here, inside the hotel, and secret services, lots of them, but they are in the background. This is a big victory.”
And it’s true – at first glance, this year’s conference could hardly be more different from Spain 2010 or Greece 2009. We’re standing, unharrassed, on a pavement not 50 metres from the hotel. Last year, in Sitges, the press was kept a kilometre away, at the business end of a machine gun. In Vouliagmeni the cordon was even wider, maybe a kilometre and a half, with (literally) hundreds of pumped-up policemen strip searching and camera snatching. St Moritz may be further from the beach, but apart from that it’s a gigantic improvement. “This is Switzerland!” explains Manfred. “That sort of thing cannot happen here. This is a democracy.”
Democracy is an idea that doesn’t fit easily with Bilderberg. For all you budding Bilderberg historians out there, here’s an interesting titbit. Back in 1958, when the conference had only been going a few years, Lord John Hope, the Tory politician who was joint under-secretary of state for Scotland at the time, reported back from a two-day meeting of Bilderberg’s steering committee in April: “the meeting was a preparatory one before the meeting of the Bilderberg Group at Buxton in September.” Here’s part of what he wrote:

"Everyone recognised that the weakness of a democracy was that its government had to do broadly what the people wanted it to do"
(Damn that pesky democratic process! Always getting in the way of us doing what we want! What a bore!)
Now, if you’re anything like me, you’ll find that quotation a little uncomfortable. Or if you’re anything like David Aaronovitch, you’ll have scoffed so hard at it that you’re currently wiping spittle off your computer screen.
Aaronovitch is cheerleader-in-chief of the cup of tea brigade: “To have a strong belief in the Bilderberg Group means believing in a fantasy,” he says. “It replaces the intolerable thought that there’s nothing at work at all, that the world is chaotic. It may be a form of therapy but it has people believing in an anti-scientific message.”
Blimey. What I find most extraordinary about those remarks is not so much their appalling ignorance, it’s more that Aaronovitch appears to be making a quasi-religious statement. It’s an expression of faith: faith in there being “nothing at work at all” in the world – faith that the world is “chaotic” through-and-through.
A fairly extreme position, one could almost call it fundamentalist. What then is history? Stones being shaken in bucket? Has ever a human influenced the course of events? Are the attendees of Bilderberg in any sense influential? And if not, what on earth have they been doing all their lives? They might as well have sat jibbering on a rock rather than becoming secretaries of state and finance ministers, for all the good it’ll do them.
We can expect more of this fantasy/”old farts playing golf” spin over the next several days. (I can’t wait for David Frum’s annual scoff piece). But it sounds more and more detached from reality with every passing year. The more serious press attention that’s given to this serious political event, the less it’s possible to dismiss it. Give it another year, and it’ll seem as bonkers to dismiss Bilderberg as a fantasy as it would be to say Davos is a meeting of Mumsnet.
The Swiss activist Andrew Mūller, a member of We Are Change, takes a distinctly unAaronovitchian view of Bilderberg: “The media represent the fourth power in a democracy. They should be responsible for covering such things. If the heads of the media are meeting in secret with our politicians like this, then it is a dangerous situation for democracy.” And you don’t have to think every event dangles from a string tied to David Rockefeller’s fingers to agree.
Fateful Spring: The OPEC and Bilderberg 2011 Meetings
The last time Austria and Switzerland hosted an event of note and in tandem, was in 2008 for the European Football (soccer, for those of us in the US) Championship. This time around, it’s not planned but nonetheless quite serendipitous…or is it?
When it comes to major geopolitical and global economic events, this week’s events in Vienna and St.Moritz may just prove to be pivotal in deciding the fate of major currencies, specifically: the US Dollar, the Euro, and the Yen; commodities, in: gold, silver, crude and Brent oil; and economies, mainly: the US, China, and the PIIGS.
First up, on Wednesday June 8th is the annual OPEC meeting in Vienna, where terror-funding states get to decide how much we pay to fill up our cars. OPEC was founded in 1960 in Baghdad, Iraq, so as to combat the policies of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was the last president to make an attempt at making America energy independent, the number one reason being that of national security. It should therefore come as no surprise that in 1965, this organization came to be permanently headquartered in Austria, notorious for being a hotbed of anti-Israel and anti-semitic entities, and birthplace to the most famous enemy of the Jews in Adolf Hitler. Member states of note include: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela. The first four have all refused to recognize the State of Israel, and the latter of which has expelled Israel’s ambassador from their country in solidarity with the Palestinians and has called Israel a terrorist state.
This years meeting is significant for a few reasons. One is that it comes on the heels of the ‘Arab Spring’, a series of events which has sent the price of both crude and Brent oil skyrocketing in recent months. Also, it comes in the heat of Israel’s ongoing conflict (even if still by way of proxies in Hamas and Hezbollah) with Iran, as well as the continued turmoil in Libya, where embattled leader Muammar Gaddafi still has not relinquished power and his regime still has a grip on the country’s oil wealth.
Then rounding out the week, from Thursday, June 9th to Sunday the 12th, there is the meeting of the clandestine Bilderberg Group, which this year will be held at the five-star Grand Hotel Kempinski in picturesque St.Moritz, Switzerland.
The annually held Bilderberg meetings are a sort of ”secret Davos” forum, where economic and political leaders from all over the world gather to discuss the pressing issues of the day. The major differences between this meeting and the one in Davos is that: it is by invitation-only and access to the press is very limited, if non-existent whatsoever. For example, two members from the press were invited to last year’s event held in Sitges, Spain. Both were business correspondents from The Economist. Moreover, it was undoubtedly incumbent upon them to operate under the ‘Chatham House Rule’, which strips (at least ethically) journalists of the ability to disclose much of what is discussed at such meetings. This makes one wonder about what exactly is discussed at these meetings that needs to be kept secret from the public, because up until 1971, the mere existence of this organization had been denied up and down by all perceived participants. Moreover, in-depth info of the event has only become available in recent years due to the internet.
Plutocratic Puppeteers Meet In Switzerland For Annual Bilderberg Conference
It is that time of the year again, when the Bilderberg group meet to commit treason against humanity, democracy, and freedom. These Wolves of the West are converging to discuss just about everything related to your world such as how to manage the global economy, who to select to head the IMF, whether to raise gas prices or not, what to do with Greece and other collapsing EU nations, and if a world war should be started this year or the next.
If the Western plutocratic elite had a Mount Olympus, Bilderberg would be it. This year they are meeting in St. Moritz, Switzerland from June 9 – June 12.
Amongst their ranks are various banking chiefs, corporate CEOs, heads of states, finance ministers, newspaper editors, aspiring political leaders, intellectuals, all of whom believe a global dictatorship is better suited to meet many of the world’s current challenges and crises than democratic governments.
What sets them apart from you and I is they have mega-wealth and mega-power, and also a complete disdain for the masses of the world. They like to play god with nations and influence world events to their favor because they believe they have a monopoly in wisdom. What they care about is not saving the planet and helping people, but gaining more power to control humanity and history.
Top Bilderberg conspirators are full-blown sociopaths and parasites like Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller who believe people deserve to be treated like slaves. If it was up to them they would get rid of billions of human beings on this planet to make managing the world a little bit easier for them. They also want to do away completely with Western democracies, the social safety net, and turn Western nations into large urban ghettos, similar to third world nations.
Good works are done in the open, and in front of public scrutiny. Evil is done in the dark. That is why Bilderberg attendees are very camera shy. Like vampires, they hate the light. Public attention means death to their treason and war against democracy and freedom. They’re scared that people will find out that they are part of a treasonous global agenda to manipulate mass opinion, and implement a global totalitarian state in order to rule the world.
If they fail they will be prosecuted and hanged for crimes against democracy, crimes against humanity, and crimes against the peace. If they succeed they will gain the world and be the keepers of mankind’s destiny as we enter a new era for our species.
“Power,” said Samuel P. Huntington, “remains strong when it remains in the dark; exposed to the sunlight it begins to evaporate.” For decades the Bilderberg vampires made public policy and instituted grand designs for Europe and North America from behind the scenes. The European Union was their pet project in the 1950s. But now, thanks to a new generation of journalists and global activists, their days in the dark are coming to an end.
Many years ago, veteran reporter Jim Tucker was alone in the struggle to expose the Bilderberg conspirators and document their abuse of power. He is still on the scene today. On Monday he spoke with Alex Jones about what the Bilderberg are planning to do with their power in the months and years ahead.
Ending world poverty is not on the Bilderberg’s corrupt agenda. Eradicating disease is not one of their policy goals. Peace in the Middle East is not in the interest of Bilderberg traitors. They want global chaos, wars, economic depressions, mayhem, and mega destruction on the planet.
These freaks gain power and wealth by profiting off of the suffering of others. They do not care about human happiness or using their power and authority to raise people above poverty. War is good business for them. Peace means declining profits and less power. So this Western power elite does everything in its power to create and increase tensions between nations instead of bringing together heads of states to brainstorm peaceful and just solutions to wars.
Once they generate global chaos and create global crises such as new wars their political lackeys who operate on the ground level sell their “high-minded” solutions to the people. These solutions are anti-freedom in nature and benefit only them and their monopolies, such as a global dictatorial government and a global currency.
Time will tell if the Bilderberg’s global empire of hell and slavery will become a historical reality. There is mounting resistance coming from below all across the world. For the first time in its history the Bilderberg conference is being reported in the mainstream press. Their epic treason against mankind is no longer going unnoticed.
Either sunlight and death awaits the Bilderberg vampires, or this evil clan of war profiteers, criminal banksters, power mongers and charlatans will achieve total power and total control over humanity.
Secret Bilderberg Agenda Leaked by Mole
According to AFP journalist and legendary Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker’s inside sources, the agenda now under review includes a number of critical issues at the top of the elite’s to-do list. These breakdown as follows:The elite are concerned that the American Congress may soon turn against the illegal and immoral invasion under humanitarian cover by NATO and the UN against the north African dictator Moammar Gaddafi.
As columnist Patrick Buchanan noted yesterday, Congress is rising in opposition to bogus wars launched by the executive branch in violation of the Constitution.
“Last week, House Speaker John Boehner had to scramble to cobble up a substitute resolution to prevent half his GOP caucus from joining with Democrats to denounce President Obama’s war in Libya as unconstitutional and to demand a total U.S. pullout in 15 days,” Buchanan wrote.
More than a third of House Republicans voted to pull out of the NATO coalition attacking Gaddafi’s forces, in essence forcing a NATO withdrawal from the color revolution engineered civil war in that country.
In January, former oil industry pastor Lindsey Williams revealed that his inside sources said oil prices will skyrocket – a fait accompli with gas prices at the pump now at historically high levels – as the global elite work behind the scenes to take take down national economies. Williams appeared on the Alex Jones Show to talk about new revelations that deal with the death of the dollar, exploding energy prices, and the engineered onset of order out of chaos revolution worldwide.
The elite now meeting behind closed door in the Switzerland are pushing for a wider war and incalculable suffering in the Middle East.
The money masters have long profited from war and mass murder. Nathan Rothschild made a financial bet on Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo and while also funding the Duke of Wellington’s peninsular campaign against Napoleon. The House of Rothschild financed the Prussian War, the Crimean War and the British attempt to seize the Suez Canal from the French and also financed the Mexican War and the Civil War in the U.S.
In addition to worrying about Congress waking up to the Libyan scam, the global elite is also concerned about a diverse liberty movement that has grown exponentially with the help of an open and free internet.
In response, the pocketed pawns in Congress have introduced a raft of bills over the last few months designed to take down the internet and blunt its impact as a medium for alternative news and information.
On April 1, 2009, the Senate introduced two bills, endangering a free and open internet: S. 773: Cybersecurity Act of 2009 and S. 778 to establish a White House cybersecurity czar.
In addition, on September 20, 2010, S. 3804: Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) was introduced.
Early last month, an especially ominous bill was introduced in the Senate. Entitled Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011, PROTECT IP for short, this legislation would use copyright infringement as a smoke screen to take down web domains and institute rolling censorship.
On the international front, the European Commission gave a nod toward implementing the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), a draconian measure that will subvert national sovereignty, trash Net Neutrality, consumer privacy, and civil liberties. In the United States, the corporate media has virtually ignored ACTA, but then key players in the Mockingbird media are often Bilderberg attendees and privy to aspects of the agenda.
The above represent a small sampling of legislation and treaties that will be used to shut down the opposition under the cover of protecting copyright and preventing terrorism.
Hyperventilating over exaggerated threats of cybersecurity, Senator Jay Rockefeller mused during a congressional meeting on cyber crime and terrorism in 2009: “It really almost makes you ask the question would it have been better if we had never invented the internet.”
The globalists are not opposed to the internet, especially as a corporatized money-making instrument. They are, however, opposed to an open, free, and unregulated by government internet where alternative media opposed to their globalist devices are allowed to thrive.
In addition, we can expect minions of the global elite who parade around as our elected representatives and appointed government officials to continue their propaganda efforts to convince the American people that the internet will be used as a terrorist weapon of mass destruction and as such needs to be tightly regulated – for our own safety, of course, and that of the children.
Finally, the Bilderbergers will work on an effort to sucker an already economically besieged American public into further fantastic debt producing bankster bailouts, specifically for Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and other member EU nations sliding toward bankruptcy and social disruption on a monumental scale.
In late 2010, the U.S. Treasury, now operating as a liaison between the government and the bankster owned private Federal Reserve, indicated it was ready to fork over billions more to the European black hole.
“There are obviously some severe market problems,” said a faceless bureaucrat, speaking on condition of anonymity. “In May, it was Greece. This is Ireland and Portugal. If there is contagion that’s a huge problem for the global economy.”
As of late 2010, the IMF, whose biggest single “shareholder” (read: parasitical host) is the United States, has committed 250 billion euros to the bankster engineered black hole.
“Why should American taxpayers be on the hook because a foreign government cannot cover its debts?” asked Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, at a House subcommittee hearing last May.
Because the plan is to take down national sovereignty, impose drastic austerity measures, hold fire sales on national assets, consolidate wealth and power, and use an endless economic crisis as an excuse to usher in world government, a one-world currency, and a sprawling high-tech police state.
Sources: InfoWars (2) (3) (4) (5) (6), The Guardian (2), ImperialistScum, TheExcavator, PrisonPlanet, EndoftheAmericanDream
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