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Planet x


» »Unlabelled » US: Mississippi heavy rains and freeze warnings for the plains

Heavy rain is the major story for this early Monday morning. A slow-moving cold front is forcing big downpours over the Mid MS valley this morning, and it's falling over the flood-out areas from this weekend. The radar has the rain over TX (which is actually very good news, it will help control the crazy wild fires), goes to OK and up to the NE right now. I'll show it to you on the program, and it looks like around 2-3" will fall over the mid MS Valley area. Check out the map:

Behind this front, frost and freeze warnings are posted for the SW and Plains with temps starting out below freezing in the region. An on-shore wind will keep the clouds and scattered pockets of rain going in south FL, and more rain is edging into the NW for the afternoon. Air travel will be impacted early by the heavy rain and low clouds from Dallas to NYC, so keep it tuned to us for the updates on that end.

I'll keep it short, since the big national news isn't the weather!

About The Real Signs of Time

Think for yourself” is probably the most important advice an educated person can hear. Unfortunately, its meaning has become ambiguous.
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