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» »Unlabelled » Plagiarism!!!!

by Steve Beckow

I was told a few days back that someone was pretty sure that someone else had taken the largest part of one of my websites and published it as a book under their own name.

Did I want to know who it was? Nope.

Was I not irritated that someone was earning money from my work? Nope. Welcome to it.

Did I not want to put a stop to that kind of thing? Nope. Anyone who wants to is welcome to take whole websites that I’ve written or edited and publish it themselves, if they wish to, even under their own name.

Just get the information out.

Like Ellie Miser, I too decided at age 17 that I was going to test out a few lines of Jesus’ teachings: “Take no thought for the morrow, what ye shall eat and what ye shall wear, but seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all else will be added unto you.” And so far, like Ellie, I’ve done OK.

You’re welcome to write books from my material, create your own website, do whatever you want. Just get the word out.

I FULLY Subscribe.

About The Real Signs of Time

Think for yourself” is probably the most important advice an educated person can hear. Unfortunately, its meaning has become ambiguous.
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