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» » » An Egyptian-American filmmaker arrested amid ongoing protests in Cairo has been released, her lawyer said Friday-Three American college students

An Egyptian-American filmmaker arrested amid ongoing protests in Cairo has been released, her lawyer said Friday, but three American college students accused of violence were still behind bars.

There were no immediate details about the release of documentarian Jehane Noujaim, which was confirmed by her lawyer, Ragia Omran.

Film producer Karim Amer said Wednesday that Noujaim -- whose works include "The Control Room," about Al-Jazeera and the United States during the early days of the Iraq War -- was arrested while filming close to the Interior Ministry building in Cairo.

A spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, David Lynfield, said Thursday that U.S. diplomats were in touch with Egyptian authorities about her case.

The three college students -- Derrik Sweeney, Gregory Porter and Luke Gates -- were ordered released Thursday, said Adel Saeed, the spokesman of the general prosecutor, but late in the day, they remained in police custody. Read More

About The Real Signs of Time

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