First we have suggestive proof. When the odds of a series of events occurring are so astronomical that they cannot be explained away by pure chance. Here are the events:
Elenin closest to Sun on 9/11
YU55 closest to Sun on 9/11
Elenin/YU55/Sun alignment on 9/11
YU55 passes though Elenins tail on 9/11
10th anniversary WTC 911 disaster. 9/11
5% USA 9/11/11 95% The rest of the world 11/9/11
11/9 & 9/11 are the same date.
YU55 Closest to Earth 11/9 UT
Earth/Mercury/Venus Align & Earth
Crosses Elenins Orbital Path On 11/9
Now lets look at the Nasa & the governments behavior.
FEMA will conduct the first ever nationwide
test of the emergency alert system or EAS on 11/9
The Congress Usually Breaks in October but, This Year
They're Breaking From Nov 7th to 13th. They off 11/9
NASA Has Released a Video to All Their Employee's
Telling Them to Get Prepared For a Possible Disaster
On 911 Elenin & YU55 Will Both be at Their Closest Point to the Sun.
YU55 Will be Enveloped by Elenins Photonic Tail.
What are the Odds of These 4 Events Occurring on 911.
Will These Events Effect YU55 Enough to Hit Earth.
If They Were to Announce that YU55 was Going to Impact
Earth, Our World Would Go Crazy. Nasa Cannot Tell US.
The Government is Preparing for Some Kind of Disaster.
YU55 May be it. Some Event is Coming. Get Ready
On 11/9/11 Earth/Mercury/Venus Align & Earth Crosses
Elenins Orbital Path. YU55 Very Close 0.0023AU
USA is Exposed to YU55's Approach. It Could Hit the USA.
So Many 911 Events, Way Beyond Coincidence.
The USA & NASA Have a Policy Not to Tell Us
Anything That Could Cause World Wide Panic!
E.L.E May be Short for Elenin. On Eleven-nine 11-9-11
The Earth May Pass Into Elenins Debris Tail.
On 11-9-11 Asteroid 2005 YU55 Will Pass Inside the
Moons Orbit. It's 1300 Feet Wide, It May Hit Earth
The Congress Usually Breaks in October but, This Year
They're Breaking From Nov 7th to 13th. Why the Change.
9/11/11 or 11/9/11 for the Rest of the World is the 10th
Anniversary of the 911 Disaster & 6 mo After Japan 9.0
Comet Elenin Matches "Crop Circle-Dated for 9/11/11" "Deep Impact" Orbits, Planetary Positions.
New Extended & Revised, Comet Elenin Matches 'Deep Impact' Events Happening Now!
New Final Part 2- Comet Elenin Matches 'Deep Impact' Events Happening Now!
The Complete Story of Comet Elenin & YU55

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