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Sumerian Writing

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The First Civilizations

Out of nowhere

The first civilizations seem to have sprung up full and working out of nowhere all at the same time. Archaeologists seem to ignore any evidence that does not fit their established theories. But, myths from around the world seem to indicate common events. I will state the evidence tends to indicate a common global wide advanced culture. This civilization was destroyed in some sort of dire calamity, and left scattered remnants of its legacy throughout the world. Indeed there is even evidence that this may have happened more than once.


Archaeologists remain bewildered by the appearance of civilizations without any previous less developed roots. I will give some illustrations of these full blown civilizations shortly. Cultural evolution would demand that primitive civilizations are the birth place of the more advanced ones. But the first know civilizations seem to spring up with most of the attributes of an advanced civilization from no roots. Admittedly apparently defying the evolutionary concept.

More on Civilizations

The Golden Age

Almost all myths of various cultures speak of a golden age of man that was suddenly and violently brought to an end. Some proofs of a world wide disaster include evidence in other of my articles about global atomic war in the past, and pole shifts that left Siberian Mammoths flash froze with buttercups still in their mouths to be chewed. You can begin to see what this means. The common origin of all the first civilizations is not only likely but demanded by the evidence. Thousands of years, may tens or 100's of thousands of years ago man was on this planet with a global civilization, and then an untold calamity struck and only a few scattered legacy civilizations remained, dim embers of what once was a bright fire of culture. The real tragedy of this is that these rises and falls of a golden civilization likely happened more than once.

Sumerian civilization

Sumer was around 3000 B.C. Sumer was the first civilization to appear and cannot be regarded as primitive. They had writing, architecture, a quite complex judicial with juries, and outlining rights for divorced women, they had a system of medicine that had developed surgery, and a knowledge of astronomy that included a knowledge of the planets which were not discovered by us until last century. Egypt appeared after Sumer. Sumer has no traceable previous civilization's attempts or primitive society settling before it.


Mayan civilization had a perfectly developed writing system from the outset of their civilization. At the same time as Sumer, around 3000 B.C. according to their calendar, the Mayan civilization appeared. Again, the Mayans suddenly appear on the scene.

Indus Valley

In India another full blown civilization appears with well developed text about a previous civilization and man made global catastrophe. Vedic texts indicate that there was an atomic war using planes and missiles, and describes the symptoms of radiation poisoning. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro show up as the Indus Valley culture and civilization. The Samarangana Sutradhara indicates the power source for the flying Virmana (a type of aircraft). The Ramayana states the Virmana were kept in buildings (hangers). According to the the Mahabharata vimanas were vehicles capable of flight. The texts go on and explain how battles were fought between great world powers using these Virmana. Again the time frame for this civilization's beginnings is remarkably similar to the Mayan and Sumerian.


In Europe, in what was thought of as the stone age, the megalithic builders are showing an advanced knowledge of astronomy, an accurate calendar, a unified and accurate measuring system, understanding of Pythagorean triangles, a compass north, and advanced knowledge of astronomy. The Megalithic culture of Europe appears at the same time. Now coincidence begins to become stretched.

Modern Archeology

Modern theory in archeology does not account for this except as a coincidence. This coincidental nature of civilizations first developments world wide is beyond reasonable justification. I maintain they appear at the same time because of a common predecessor. They started the rebuilding process.

Common Origin

These are not all of the civilizations that appear at this period, but are the most famous or noteworthy. A common origin is indicated because they appear full bloom, at approximately the same time frame, at various locations around the world separated by great distance or even oceans, and share many things in common. These are lesser remnants, legacy civilizations of the Golden global one that long ago preceded them.

No explanation

No explanation is given why these civilizations appeared out of the blue all at the same time. The theory on how civilizations appear from more primitive ones works in the case of a civilization that first develops, but if their already is a highly developed civilization world wide and it destroys itself and leaves only lesser remnants, these surviving remnants will appear full bloom to us as we begin to investigate them, and that is exactly what appears.

No coincidence

There are far too many similarities between these civilizations to be independent developments of the same themes. Even more primitive civilizations that appear later seem to carry the same ideas. Many symbols or picture writing contain the same symbols world wide. The swastika is one, another is the symbol of the snake and the sun in combination with each other. Almost all people have a myth of the confusing of languages, the flood, and a golden age or a garden of paradise. These traditions appear on a world wide basis. There are systems of written communication that are quite similar found in divergent places around the world. Forms of ritual between the full bloom and other civilizations are quite similar. The most primitive people have a legend of the time when there was only one language for the whole world. The further into the past one looks at language the more similar each one becomes to the other. In astronomy, the constellations bear similar names in the new world and in Eurasia and Africa. Circumcision, mummification, and burial are customs found around the world. How does one explain the calendar system of Peru and Egypt, each with 18 months of 20 days with 5 days added at the end of the year? Many of these ancient calendars are just as accurate as our own. From China to the New World, pyramids, megaliths, and even the Sphinx can be found. Building around the world are similar from the full bloom civilization, having the same astronomical alignments, and purposes.

Copyright 2011 by Ian RoeBuck All Rights Reserved

A Tourist Trip in the Indus Valley Ruins

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