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» »Unlabelled » UFO Sightings on the Rise in Finland: Concerned Citizens Want Air Force to Release Data

Grainy B&W image of supposed UFO, Passoria, Ne...Image via Wikipedia

Grant Lawrence--Bodhi Thunder

Some Finnish citizens are concerned over the rising number of UFO reports in Finland. They would like their Air Force to let the public know what they know about these Finnish UFO events.

Lasse Ahonen, from the UFO-Finland organization, believes that the Finnish Air Force have data on these UFOs and he would like to see the information made public.

“I consider it very likely that there is observational data,” he says. “Would it not be time for the Finnish defence forces to also move on to the 2000s and follow other countries’ example by opening up more about this,” he inquires.

YLE has also turned to the Air Force for answers, but the Air Force said there were no secrets about sightings.

Chief Public Information Official Joni Malkamäki said that the Air Force checks up on citizens’ observations about 2-4 times a year. According to Malkamäki, information usually comes in about strange light phenomena and less frequently about objects.

“These findings usually fall under atmospheric phenomena, such as meteorites and space debris burning in the atmosphere.”source:

The rising number of UFO sightings in Finland correspond to the rising number of UFO sightings all over the world.

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