50 meter crater opens up on Baltic island- geologists are puzzled over what caused it.
April 30, 2011 – HAMBURG - On the Baltic island of Usedom (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), the earth has opened up about 50 meter long and 4 meters deep. The gaping canyon looks like the little brother of the Grand Canyon in the USA. Did an ancient cavity collapse? Or is this a meteor strike? In the middle of a field at Zirchow gapes the mysterious hole. BILD reader reporter Andrew discovered it while walking. He believes: “This is a case of subsidence or sand collapsed. On the crater walls can be seen pattern “And. The gorge runs to a small lake. “That’s where bubbles rise mysterious out of the water.” It bubbles suspiciously- perhaps a gas. Probably, in the next few days, the earth will move again.

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