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I align myself with great minds, the upgrades have been transformational. Eli Rook is a superstar, the way has been cleared for the six sense :) ~ JM Wohl |
Hey Eli... just listened to your interview. Very keen to read your book and see how you string it all together... ~G Selman |
Back in 99' I drown and since then there has been a change in my life. I am full of energy and need to figure out how to use it for the good of the world. It is a huge mission, but, I have learned so much and you have it right! I am so glad to have found your information!!! Good luck and Peace&Love ~ L Westinhiser |
Eli, I just finished up your book last night. Thank you for giving me a sneak peak. I found myself glued to every page, wondering where you were going to take it next. It was an amazing journey, especially toward the end when you started dropping nuclear bombs of knowledge. I've heard many of the concepts before, but the way you put it all together gave me new cognitions and realizations that I never thought possible. As I made my way through it, I enjoyed epiphany after epiphany. I'll never be the same! You continually hammered me with countless golden nuggets of insight. As soon as I picked up one and put it in my pocket, you showered me with several others ready for the taking. My mind was on fire as I could barely keep up with your powerful and integrated flow of consciousness. I can easily see this book needs to be read over and over. What a ride! I have a much better grasp on who I am as an individual now. You delivered REAL value! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! ~ J Smith |
the part of the book ive read so for was great thanks cant wait to see the rest eli ~ B Mills |
After reading the first few pages of your book, I FEEL SOOOO GOOD!!! I am already experiencing physical control of the likes I have wanted but was frustrated I wasn't getting! I am actually feeling everything is going to be all right! ~ P Bundy |
Just finished the teaser, can't wait to get the whole book! ~ W Jackson |
Eli the teaser on your new book was fantastic. Confirmation is all I have to say. Thank you so much for putting your talent on paper. |
Hello Eli I have just read the 31 pages congratulations for writing this and bringing it to the attention of the general population. Sathya Sai Baba has been teaching this for 86 years, but not all were listening. I have known this for many many years now. It is very exciting knowledge and very liberating. ~ S Mitchell |
Thanks so much for the add... Great to know you from across the miles... Keep up the good works... Many were called, but few choose themselves... You are one with courage and conviction who have chosen to add up a light to form a greater light in service of humanity at this time of reckoning with the dark powers of delusion. I bow to the God within you who is in me too! ~ D Vareli |
Eli love the book I had a different step in my walk after reading the samples can't wait to read the whole book thank you so much. ~ S Cloenay |
I'd like to thank you once again for coming out with this information, as you said it couldn't be supressed anymore but even so it still must've taken alot of courage and a lot of resolve on your part to see to it that the world becomes a better place and I think we're witnessing the vibration of what someone can accomplish when they have the goals, dreams and desires and the drive to accomplish them. Again, thank you and even at that, those words don't describe just how blessed I feel thanks to you or how much appreciation Humanity at this moment feels for you and this technology ~ L Glover |
Absolutely LOVED your description of the Dimensions. I can't wait to read the book over and over again. Thank you for the energy clearing, I was definitely smiling A LOT and feeling Fantastic!! ~ N Fodor |
There it is again... that feeling of perfection... when everything lines up so exactly that there is no concept of how this moment could be improved upon. These strings of perfection are unspeakably precious. The arrive when we are doing exactly what is in our hearts. And just as quickly as they arrive, they subside to make space for the expanded view of new possibilities in the 5th dimension. Still the string of moments of perfect serenity let us know that we're on track! Here's to KICKING ASS IN THE 5th DIMENSION! Love Forever! ~ D Altieri |
Hello Eli! I just got done reading the teaser to your new book, and I've gotta tell you it's fucking awesome! I'll definitely buy a copy when it comes out, and help to get you to #1. You know, it's funny...most of the things you write about in your books are things that I already know, but somehow...somehow the way the words and pictures are configured just click something within me every time. I don't know how to describe it. The whole time while I was reading the teaser, the Beatles' song "All You Need is Love" was playing through my head. Not only that, but I woke up this morning with a splitting headache, I decided to check my FB messages, something told me to check my email, then I read your teaser, and not even halfway through reading the teaser, the headache went away. Shit dude, whether it be reading your books or perusing your NWO Countdown Game, I realise there are things that I don't know what I don't know. It's not that the information itself is something new to me, it's gotta be the energy behind and/or the way it's configured. Either way, I have to thank you and give you my gratitude. You've helped me in ways you don't know about. Now I'm off to clear some brush and trash for one of my customers. Have an awesome fucking day! Anthony ~ A Bruce
Eli transforms the world with his mind-blowing "Big Fucking Secret!"a super fun & successful book,A title that dosen't do the book justice.Once again we are reminded you can't always judge a book by it's cover,I do like the sub-title.Eli sounds terrific.Five Stars! ~ C Camp |
Just read the teaser you sent me. Heard most of the information before, but the way you wrote it just... connects.. sinks in.. and makes me excited to buy the book! ~ D Stclair |
Best of luck with your launch Eli! Really excited get my hands on it, the teaser material was brilliant! Got my fingers crossed that Amazon get their shit together pronto so I can get my hands on that bad boy ASAP. ~ D Kritchevski |
Read the sample book. Has me eager for more. Thank you ~ F Getes |
Wondering if i can get your book shipped to mexico. Ive been reading whats out. And Im hooked. Blessings ~ J Estrello |
I'm loving what your doing and the insanely awesome title of your book. Peace In, Tie Love ~ T Love
Wow, confirming what I always thought, but condemed for wanting to believe. Thanks ~ D Topnik |
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