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» »Unlabelled » Iranian passenger planes dodging international sanctions by refuelling in KENT, ENGLAND

Iranian passenger planes dodging international sanctions by refuelling in KENT, ENGLAND

Iranian planes banned from refuelling in countries that have economic ties with the U.S. are dodging the sanctions by filling up at a privately owned airport in Kent.

The Iran Air flights are allowed to land at Heathrow however they are not able to refuel for the journey home at any airport that has trade links with the U.S.

Owners of the UK's smallest airport, in Manston, Kent - a former RAF base in the Second World war- have struck up a deal to supply the planes that carry up to 266 passengers with the fuel they need.

Owned by New Zealand company Infratil, Manston airport have insisted that the arrangement does not breach the economic sanctions imposed by the U.S..

A spokesman told the Sunday Express: 'We are complying with all the regulations laid down by the Civil Aviation Authority. There is no reason why we shouldn't do it. Read More

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