New Egyptian Chronology Fits with Return of Nibiru
It is well known that ancient
Egypt was unified under one King, Menes, for the first time around 3000BCE.
Until very recently it was thought that the land along the Nile had been
originally settled by farmers about 1000 years before that. As someone
interested in the ideas of author Zecharia Sitchin, I always found it curious
that Egypt's chronology did not fit closer with the return of the planet Nibiru
to our skies, which Sitchin claimed to have occurred around 3760BCE. This
appears to be an remarkably important date, marking the beginning of the Nippur
calendar and the Jewish count of days. So, if this date was so significant
across the entire Levant region, then why wasn't the chronology of early ancient
Egypt also configured along the same lines? It's a puzzle I have often
pondered over. Fortunately, new radiocarbon dating work, performed by
scientists from the University of Cambridge, has lead to a rethink which
presents us with just such an alignment:
"Until now,
the chronology of the earliest days of Egypt has been based on rough estimates.
With no written records from this very early period, a timeline has been based
on the evolving styles of ceramics unearthed from human burial sites.
"Now though,
scientists have used radiocarbon dating of excavated hair, bones and plants,
with established archaeological evidence and computer models to pinpoint when
the ancient state came into existence. Previous records suggested the
pre-Dynastic period, a time when early groups began to settle along the Nile and
farm the land, began in 4000BC. But the new analysis revealed this process
started later, between 3700 or 3600BC."
For Egyptologists, this
presents new problems, because the gap between the initial inhabitation of Egypt
- by groups who farmed the land along the Nile - as indicated by this scientific
work, and the acknowledged dates for the unification of Egypt is really rather
short; at just several hundred years. By comparison, a similar evolution
from agriculture to civilisation occurred over a much longer time period in
Mesopotamia. So why was there such an accelerated race to civilisation in
Egypt during this period?
Again, from a Sitchinite
perspective, this may tie in with the return of the planet of the gods, Nibiru.
Sitchin argued that the periodic return of Nibiru, which he configures with the
Sumerian Shar of 3600 years, fitted with bursts of acceleration in human
only the presence of the Nefilim but also the periodic arrivals of the Twelfth
Planet in Earth's vicinity seem to lie behind the three crucial phases on Man's
post-Diluvial civilization: agriculture, circa 11,000 B.C., the Neolithic
culture, circa 7500 B.C., and the sudden civilization of 3800 B.C.
[in Mesopotamia] took place at intervals of 3,600
years. It appears that the Nefilim, passing knowledge to Man in measured
doses, did so in intervals matching periodic returns of the Twelfth Planet to
Earth's vicinity." (2)
In the case of Egypt, does this
argument also apply to the settling and emergence of agriculture along the river
Nile, leading to a speedy development towards the high civilisation of the first
Egyptian Dynasties? It would make sense, perhaps adding further
credibility to the concept that something remarkable occurred around 3750BCE.
Andy Lloyd, 4th September 2013
1) R.Morelle "New timeline for
origin of ancient Egypt" 4th September 2013
2) Z. Sitchin "The Twelfth
Planet" p415, Avon Books, 1976
An Ancient Warning?
The ancient site of Göbekli
Tepe in Turkey has set back the clock of ancient civilisations by thousands of
years. It is thought to date to about 10,000BCE. Much of it remains
underground, still, and is in the process of being slowly unearthed. As
that process continues, its becoming increasingly likely that the key to
understanding this most ancient of sites lies in the sky. However,
deciphering any archaeo-astronomical clues is made tricky by questions about the
relative chronologies of various parts of the site.
"I am
thus proposing here the possibility that the structures of Göbekli Tepe were
constructed to celebrate, and then follow in the course of the centuries, the
appearance of a brilliant “guest” star in the sky: Sirius. ...Getting more
insight in the symbolic world of the builders would certainly be of help; many
of the animals [depicted on the stones] are tempting as representation of
constellations, and – curiously enough – one of the most elaborated stelae
present an upper register with three “bags” which are pretty similar to the
three “houses of the sky” occurring in the much (very much!) later Babylonian
“kudurru” traditions." (2)
You can see the "three bags" he
mentions in the image of Pillar 43, to the right (3). Is the Turkish site
a very ancient precursor to the civilisations that emerged much later in the
Levant? This seems to be the implication of the shared symbolism employed
here. Things take a more intriguing turn a little later into his paper.
Right at the end, he makes a few speculative points, including this rather
interesting observation:
"On the
pillar 43 of enclosure D a suggestive, unique scene is represented: a sort of
vulture with human traits delicately “rises up” with a wing what seems to be a
sphere, or a disk. May this be a representation of the Heliacal rising of the
newly born star we today call Sirius...?"
This strange depiction seems to
me to also share a passing similarity to the Winged Disk symbolism later
employed by the Mesopotamians and the Egyptians alike. The broader
astronomical context seems befitting, too.
If this really is a remarkably
early precursor to the Winged Disk, then what does that tell us? Firstly,
that this is unlikely to depict the star Sirius. Secondly, that this
entire site is trying to tell us something important about a very, very ancient
event in the sky. Is it a warning to later generations, perhaps?
Putting my Sitchinite hat on, I would point out that the timing of the
construction of Göbekli Tepe may provide a further clue. Zecharia Sitchin
argued that the Biblical Flood took place around 13,000 years ago, an event
similarly described at length by the Sumerians and Babylonians:
endeavour to unravel the puzzle of the Deluge, then, focuses on Earth's climatic
changes, and in particular the abrupt collapse of the ice age some 13,000 years
ago." (4)
This event, he speculated,
coincided with the transit of Nibiru through the solar system, triggering
monumental Earth changes (4). For a number of reasons, the story of
survival after this Deluge is connected with Mount Ararat, which is also in
Turkey. I wonder if this is mere coincidence?
Consider the following
possibility: About 13,000 years ago 'Nibiru' did indeed invoke a massive
cataclysm. Whatever the mechanism, the Ice Age was abruptly brought to a
halt by a global tsunami which wiped out low-lying human settlements all over
the world. Water levels rose permanently, and the survivors shifted ground
away from the submerged coastal areas and river valleys that they had lived in
for generations. This traumatic period was marked by a desperate fight for
survival and renewal which led in turn to an oral tradition that lasted through
to Biblical times, becoming the legend of Noah - as well as similar myths all
over the globe.
To supplement the warnings in
these oral traditions, the ancients constructed complex stone sites to depict
the arrival of Nibiru, and warn of what might happen next! This, I
suggest, is what Göbekli Tepe was all about. This strange disk on pillar
43 held by an anthropomorphic vulture may be the earliest known depiction of the
returning planet Nibiru, shortly to be followed by the cataclysm which almost
destroyed the ancient world.
Andy Lloyd, 7th August 2013
1) "Astronomical
Alignments at Gobekli Tepe?" 1st August 2013
with thanks to Lee
Giulio Magli "Sirius and the project of the megalithic enclosures at
Gobekli Tepe"
3) S. Clouth "Gbekli Tepe
Yields Groundbreaking Insights" 13th August 2012
4) Z. Sitchin "The Twelfth
Planet" pp401-4 Avon 1976
Jupiter-like exoplanet challenges planetary formation theory
When I first started writing
about Dark Stars back in 1999, I had little realisation that they might turn out
to be pink! At that time, knowledge about brown dwarfs was in its infancy
and there had not yet been any discoveries of ultra low-mass
failed stars. The larger versions, of masses between twenty and eighty times
that of our own Jupiter, were red - despite the tentative moniker 'brown dwarf'.
But as time has gone on, we have started to learn a lot more about the objects
on the lower end of the spectrum. These sub-brown dwarfs are now being
imaged, and their colours are turning out to be more magenta than red. In
the case of GJ 504b, which orbits its parent star that's around 57 light years
away, the colour is positively pink! Is this, then, the true colour of our
own as-yet-undiscovered Dark Star?
Well, I would say its about the
right size, weighing in at 4 times the mass of Jupiter. Astronomers
studying the sub-brown dwarf GJ 504b think its pinkish colour might be
attributable to a lack of cloud cover. It's also a lot younger than any
Dark Star we might have circling at some distance from our Sun.
Nevertheless, this might still be what we should expect of a "Nemesis"-style
object. Less returning wrathful god than stylish succubus, n'est-ce pas?
This new Pink Lady, which
fittingly lies in the constellation Virgo, is challenging planet-formation
theories, too. Although it is four times more massive than Jupiter, its
orbit around its parent star is further out than our own planet Neptune.
Which begs the question of how it formed, given that the accretion disk at that
distance should be insufficient to the task of building such a colossal world.
Did it migrate out to that distance? Or was another mechanism involved in
its creation? Either way, this discovery opens the door slightly wider to
the potential for a similar world to have formed in the outer solar system.
Andy Lloyd, 7th August 2013
B. Parnell "Super-SVELTE
BLUSH-PINK planet goes too far with star" 6th August 2013
with thanks to Lee
Since the publication of my Dark Star Theory website and the
book 'Dark Star' (2005), these ideas have become inextricably intertwined with
Zecharia Sitchin's concept of Nibiru.
Many advocates of his theories now
accept the Dark Star concept as the best solution to explaining how the Anunnaki
could survive in the cold depths of the outer solar system. Discussion of
'brown dwarfs' are now common-place on UFO-related websites and alternative
The Kindle download is now available through Amazon: see the
link below. I'm currently working on an updated version of the book to
include more up-to-date references and supporting material. I'm hoping to
have it ready for publication by the end of this year.
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