If you lived 2000 years ago and you saw a helicopter, how would you describe it? Would it make a noise like galloping horses? Would you describe it as having a scorpion’s tail? In the book of revelation there are what seem to be descriptions and thus prophesy about today’s machines described in the language and imagery of the time.
If we go further back in time there are more incredible descriptions of things such as the chariots of the gods. The people of the time did their best to describe them by carving them into stone, writing about them, passing down stories about them etc.
The most interesting of these for me is the winged sun disc, which appears all over the world in ancient times (and in modern times too). Very similar versions of this symbol appear in various countries in Mesoamerica (Toltec, Aztec, Mayan cultures) and the Middle East (Babylonian, Egyptian, Persion, Hebrew cultures).
In modern day Iran the Faravahar is a national symbol. The Faravahar is a winged sun disc with the primary god Ahura Mazda sitting in it or on top of it. The Faravahar is one of the best-known symbols of Zoroastrianism, and is said to represent a Fravashi or guardian angel. This is a striking similarity between how Ahura Mazda sits in the Fravashi and how the Hebrew and Christian Cherubim sit inside the Ophanim or Wheels / Thrones, which are discussed below.
Ahuramazda Faravahar of Ancient Iran
Sumerian God Ashur Riding Within his Winged Sun Disc
Winged Sun Disc on Ben Ben Stone found in Dashur, Egypt
Note: It is worth noting the “all seeing eyes” of Horus in the above image which is a description for the flying greek god Helios the all seeing. It is easy to observe the world from on high (I won’t digress into any conspiracy theories regarding the American dollar bill and the illuminati).
There’s also Quetzalcoatl (try saying that under the influence of alcohol) of Mayan persuasion who is said to have civilized middle america with teachings about politics, farming etc. Very similar motives that Osiris had when he left Egypt and also very similar motives to that of the fallen ones mentioned in Enoch. Following is an image of Quetzalcoatl in what seems to be a machine. Perhaps this is another view of the winged disc?
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