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Possible Extinction Level Event Looming?

The Intel Hub
Shepard Ambellas

The comet termed ELENIN which contains a possible military code (referring to a possible future event) — Extinction Level Event Notable Impact November) according to NASA (Jet Propulsion Lab orbital charts) and DARPA affiliated sources is a physical object moving trough our system now which just apexed at the closet point to the sun on September 11, 2011.

This object C/2010 X1 was said to have been discovered by Leonid Elenin a Russian astronomer last December, however our sources indicate otherwise.

A very interesting part to the story is how the Earth enters the debris trail of ELENIN on November 9, 2011 — the vary same day of the FEMA/FCC takeover drill.

Now it appears they are prepping the masses that the comet might be breaking apart and might melt (due to the fact that citizen astronomers have never spotted the object that Leonid Elenin discovered with a typical 18″ scope when it was 100 more faint).

An International Business Times excerpt reads;

In August, doomsday prophets speculated that icy comet Elenin would wreak havoc on Earth. Now new images from an amateur Australian astronomer are showing a rapid dimming in Comet Elenin, leading some astronomers to believe that the comet may be falling apart.

Michael Mattiazo, an amateur astronomer from Australia, captured two images of Elenin — one on Aug. 19 and the other on Sept. 6 — that show the comet could be disintegrating. The video footage of Elenin shows that the comet began losing some cohesion around late August and early September as it neared the sun.
The comet reached its closest point to the sun on Sept. 10.

“I had suspicions about this comet since discovery in December 2010 that it would not survive its perihelion passage [the comet's passage closest to the sun],” Mattiazzo told in an email.

Why is Comet ELENIN not saturating the main stream media? Halley’s Comet dominated the media on its close passing.

The other fact that a massive continent killer asteroid named 2005 YU55 will be passing by Earth on November 9th raises hairs on the back of your neck as well.

After all, why would the Pentagon openly deploy 20,000 troops in the CONUS by 2012?

An Intel Hub excerpt reads;

What seems even more suspicious is the fact that the White House was warned by NASA late last year that there was a possible threat from outer space now facing the nation and a deflection campaign would need to be implemented. This document was signed by Eric P. Holdren.

The White House document was released October 15, 2010 a few months prior to the so called “discovery” of comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) discovered by Leonid Elenin with an 18″ telescope.

The strange thing is that only a select few sources worldwide have seen the object, a few of which we traced back to DARPA directly.

It appears the ELENIN is some type of advanced warning system (used in conjunction with NASA’s JPL) for the elites, upper echelon military, and people in-the-know to decipher upcoming earth change events prompted by another object (classified) that has entered our solar system. There has been manydocumented earth changes that have taken place on or near ELENIN’S alignment dates(when ELENIN is in alignment with other objects) including the Japanese earthquake and Tsunami disaster of 2011.

The JPL orbital diagram and data seems to be fictitious and reverse engineered into some type of advanced encrypted database for the upcoming event anticipated. ELENIN, according to some researchers stands forExtinction Level Event Notable Impact November, also encoded into the name is Elevin Nine (Nov. 9), and LEONID (a meteor shower that peaks in November).

This also ties in with the massive gearing up of underground bases worldwide at a rapid rate and mass graves for U.S. citizens which were exposed worldwide on March 25, 2009 on the Alex Jones Show by Shepard Ambellas Of The Intel Hub.

On Nov 9, 2011 the earth will supposedly cross the threshold of the debris tail of ELENIN on the same plain (assuming ELENIN is a real object that would be catastrophic) However, this, according to our sources as well as independent researchers, is some sort of military code and ELENIN is not a physical object. IfELENIN is not a real object we might be expecting a major earth change, a solar event caused by another space object, (possibly 2005 YU55) or a staged attack.

We must also be open to the idea that this is all a psyop for an event that the elites are going to purposely cause and blame on Elenin.

It is equally important to take into consideration the FEMA/FCC Take over drill that is set to take place on November 9, 2011, the very same day that asteroid 2005 YU55 threatens to hit earth and/or the moon.

This also goes along with all of the recent troop movements in the CONUS as well, further backing the deployment.

The Intel Hub will continue to monitor the situation with all of our sources to provide you with major updates between now and November 9, 2011. (In no way are we saying an event is for sure taking place, we are just pointing out data points that are available). Please use your own judgment and do your own research.

Residents rummage through what is left of their shanties Wednesday Sept. 28, 2011, a day after powerful Typhoon Nesat battered Manila and northeastern Philippines. (AP Photo)


MANILA, Philippines - Rescuers scrambled Sunday to deliver food and water to hundreds of villagers stuck on rooftops for days because of flooding in the northern Philippines, where back-to-back typhoons have left at least 59 people dead.

Typhoon Nalgae slammed ashore in northeastern Isabela province Saturday, then barreled across the main island of Luzon's mountainous north and agricultural plains, which were still sodden from fierce rain and winds unleashed by a howler just days earlier. Nalgae left at least three people dead Saturday. Typhoon Nesat killed 56 others and left 28 missing in the same region before blowing out Friday.

Nalgae was whirling over the South China Sea and heading toward southern China late Sunday afternoon, 230 miles from the Philippines' northeast coast, with sustained winds of 75 miles per hour and gusts of 93 mph, according to the Philippine government weather agency.

China's National Meteorological Center urged people in areas expected to be lashed by rainstorms in the next three days, including on southernmost Hainan island and in eastern Taiwan, to stay indoors and cancel large assemblies, China's official Xinhua News Agency reported Sunday.

Nalgae's ferocious winds set off a rock slide in the northern mountain province of Bontoc in the Philippines on Saturday, causing boulders to roll down a mountainside and smash a passing van, where a passenger was pinned to death and another was injured, police said.

In northern Tarlac province's Camiling town, a man sought safety with his two young nephews as flooding rose in their village Saturday. But one of the children was swept away by rampaging waters and drowned, while his uncle and his brother remained missing. A drunken man drowned in flooding in a nearby village, provincial disaster officer Marvin Guiang said.

Nalgae roared through parts of Luzon that had been saturated by Typhoon Nesat, which trapped thousands on rooftops and sent huge waves that breached a seawall in Manila Bay. Nesat then pummeled southern China and was downgraded to a tropical storm just before churning into northern Vietnam on Friday, where 20,000 people were evacuated.

Seven towns north of Manila were still flooded Sunday, including Calumpit in rice-growing Bulacan province, where hundreds of residents remained trapped on rooftops in four villages for the fourth day, many desperately waving for help. Rescuers aboard rubber boats could not reach them because of narrow alleys. Two air force helicopters were ordered deployed to drop water and food packs to the marooned villagers, officials said.

Calumpit Mayor James de Jesus said floodwaters were receding later Sunday, sparking hope the crisis would end sooner. Local leaders have been asked to help distribute relief supplies to residents in areas in the four villages that could now be accessed, he said.

"It's still critical. There are still houses which could not be reached," de Jesus told DZBB radio.

Benito Ramos, who heads the Office of Civil Defense, said he was concerned that freshly dumped rains by Nalgae may flow down from the mountainous north to the central Luzon provinces of Bulacan and Pampanga, which act like a catch basin, especially during high tide in nearby Manila Bay. Some officials said water released from nearby dams had exacerbated the floods.

Ramos criticized those villagers who refused to leave their flooded homes despite orders to evacuate.

During a nationally televised meeting with disaster response agencies, President Benigno Aquino III ordered authorities to study how villagers and fishermen can be forced to follow storm warnings to prevent casualties in the future.

In the last four months, prolonged monsoon flooding, typhoons and storms across Southeast Asia, China, Japan and South Asia have left more than 600 people dead or missing. In India alone, the damage is estimated to be worth $1 billion.

Several studies point to an intensification of the Asian summer monsoon rainfall with increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, according to the state-run Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology. Still, it is not clear that the damaging weather is entirely due to climate change, it said.

The damage on agriculture and infrastructure from the earlier typhoon in the Philippines was estimated at $200 million. Rice and vegetables could be obtained from the country's south in case of supply shortfalls due to damaged farms and blocked roads in the north, officials said.

Nalgae was the 17th weather disturbance this year to batter the disaster-prone Philippines, which is lashed by about 20 storms and typhoons annually. A low pressure area has been monitored 435 miles off the archipelago and could either dissipate or strengthen into another storm in the next few days, forecaster Gener Quitlong said.

Draconid meteor shower is expected to produce unusually high peak meteor rates of 1,000 per hour on October 8, 2011.

The Draconid meteor shower is expected to produce unusually high peak meteor rates of 1,000 per hour on October 8, 2011.

A typical strong , like the Perseid shower which occurs every summer in mid-August, might produce up to 100 per hour under favorable skies. Normally the Draconids (so-named because its meteors appear to radiate from the northern constellation Draco) are a weak shower producing perhaps 10 meteors per hour. However, this shower has proved strongly variable in the past. In 1933 and 1946, the Draconids produced "meteor storms" where were produced at rates of 10,000 per hour or even more. Other less dramatic outbursts -- where the meteor counts nonetheless ran into the hundreds per hour -- occurred in 1952, 1985, and 1998.

The 2011 Draconid outburst is expected to occur between 17:00 and 18:00 Universal Time on October 8, 2011. Unfortunately this translates into between 1 and 2 pm Eastern Daylight Time on October 8, which means that the peak of the shower occurs during daylight hours in North America. The best locations from which to view the shower, which is only visible in the , will be Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.

Though the peak of the outburst will occur during daylight in Canada, the shower is expected to continue to produce meteors, albeit it at a reduced level, into the evening of October 8. So Canadians will still have a chance to see the meteor shower. "And you never know", says University of Western Ontario astronomer Paul Wiegert, who is presenting his results at this week's CASCA 2011 meeting in Ontario, Canada, "meteor showers are as difficult to predict as rain showers. The Draconids have surprised us before, and they may do so again. I'd encourage anyone outside on the night of October the 8th to look to the northern skies, just in case."

Comet Giacobini-Zinner is the source of the Draconid meteor shower and was the first comet to be examined by a spacecraft, when in 1985 the International Cometary Explorer flew through its tail, passing approximately 7,800 km from its nucleus.

A comet's tail may extend for millions of km but that spectacular display all originates from the much-smaller nucleus at its head. Essentially an ice asteroid, the frozen nucleus partly evaporates when its orbit brings it close to the Sun. At this time the comet's tail, which is composed largely of water vapor and chemically related species, grows in size and may achieve naked-eye visibility from Earth. The vaporization process also releases copious quantities of small rocks and dust because the nucleus is far from pristine ice: it is more like a dirty city snow-bank after a long winter.

The solid rocky material produced by a comet continues to orbit the Sun after its release. If that orbit brings it into collision with the Earth its high speed -- which may exceed 250,000 km/h -- causes it to burn up in the upper atmosphere and produce a bright flash we call a meteor, shooting star or falling star. Particles no larger than a pea and which burn up at altitudes of 100 km are easily noticeable from the ground; in fact, this describes most meteors visible to the human eye. When these particles arrive in large numbers, they produce a beautiful display called a meteor shower.

Provided by Canadian Astronomical Society

Astronomer predicts dramatic Draconid meteor shower for October 2011

The Draconid meteor shower could deliver 1,000 meteors per hour on October 8, 2011. Bad news. The moon will be in the way.

Canadian astronomer Paul Wiegert announced at a meeting of professional astronomers in Canada that the annual Draconid meteor shower might produce unusually high peak meteor rates of 1,000 per hour on October 8, 2011.

Wiegert is an astronomer at University of Western Ontario. His specialty is solar system dynamics. In other words, he conducts numerical analyses of the way objects in our solar system move. He says he likes working with smaller bodies particularly: asteroids, comets and meteoroid streams.

Like most meteors in annual showers, any fiery Draconid meteors we see streaking across a dark night sky actually started out in a meteoroid stream in space – a river of icy, rocky debris – left behind in the orbit of a comet. The comet that spawns the Draconid shower is named Giacobini-Zinner. Known for over 100 years, this comet takes about 6.6 years to orbit our sun once. Astronomer Paul Wiegert – in his analysis of the movement of Giacobini-Zinner and its attendant meteoroid stream of icy bits – has determined that conditions will line up just right in 2011 for us to see a spectacular Draconid meteor shower. A shower of 1,000 meteors per hour would be spectacular indeed.


Not yet. The peak of the shower is very narrow (lasting only one hour), and it so happens that narrow peak of the Draconids will come during daylight on October 8, 2011 for us in North America. The 2011 Draconid outburst is expected to occur between 17 and 18 Universal Time on October 8 – translating to between 1 and 2 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on that day. In other words, pretty darn close to high noon for us in the continental U.S.

Can you see meteors in daylight? No. So Wiegert says the best locations from which to view the shower – which is primarily a northern hemisphere event, since the meteors radiate from a point that’s far to the north on the celestial sphere – will be Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.

But there is yet another factor. The moon will be in a waxing gibbous phase on October 8. And as all meteor-watchers know, a large bright moon can drown out a meteor shower.

A typically strong meteor shower like the Perseid shower, which occurs every summer in mid-August, might produce up to 100 meteors per hour under favorable skies. Normally, the Draconids (so-named because its meteors appear to radiate from the northern constellation Draco) are a weak shower producing perhaps 10 meteors per hour. However, this shower has proved strongly variable in the past. In 1933 and 1946, the Draconids produced “meteor storms” where shooting stars were produced at rates of 10,000 per hour or even more. Other less dramatic outbursts — where the meteor counts nonetheless ran into the hundreds per hour — occurred in 1952, 1985, and 1998.

A meteor during the peak of the 2009 Leonid Meteor Shower. Image Credit: Navicore

Though the peak of the outburst is predicted to occur during daylight hours in North America, the shower is expected to continue to produce meteors, albeit at a reduced level, into the evening of October 8. So North Americans will still have a chance to see a stronger-than-usual Draconid meteor shower.

Paul Wiegert, an astronomer at University of Western Ontario, who is presenting his results at this week’s CASCA 2011 meeting in Ontario, Canada, said:

And you never know. Meteor showers are as difficult to predict as rain showers. The Draconids have surprised us before, and they may do so again. I’d encourage anyone outside on the night of October the 8 to look to the northern skies, just in case.

How to view the Draconid shower

This meteor shower really favors the northerly latitudes, but that’s not to say the Draconid meteors can’t be seen from the northern tropics. Predicting the intensity and the peak (or multiple peaks) of a meteor shower is a very tricky business, and represents a best guess – not an ironclad guarantee. You’ll never know for sure what a meteor shower has to offer unless you watch.

Wherever you may reside worldwide, the best viewing of these meteors will probably be at nightfall and early evening on October 8. That’s when the radiant point for the shower will be highest in the sky for the night. All other things being equal, the most meteors tend to fall when the the radiant point is highest in the sky. North of about 35 degrees north latitude – the latitude of Memphis, Tenessee – the radiant is actually circumpolar. Circumpolar means that the radaint stays above the horizon all night long.

Locate Dragon’s eyes and radiant point for Draconid meteors

Even so, the radiant will fall downward during the night and reach its low point around 5:00 a.m. local time (6:00 a.m. local daylight saving time). Generally, you see few – if any – meteors when the radiant of the shower falls close to the horizon. However, if the Draconids should burst into storm during the predawn hours (that’ll be in Asia and possibly Alaska on October 9, if the prediction holds), you might not see an abundance of meteors but you may see some earthgrazers – unusually bright and long meteors that go horizontally across the sky.

However, nightfall and early evening (on October 8, 2011) will probably provide the greatest number of meteors. At this time, the waxing gibbous moon will be rather low in your east to southeast sky and casting long shadows. Sit in the shadow of a barn or hedgerow of trees, though with an otherwise open view of sky. This should help darken the night for meteor watching.

Source of the Draconid meteor shower

Comet Giacobini-Zinner is the source of the Draconid meteor shower and was the first comet to be examined by a spacecraft, when in 1985 the International Cometary Explorer flew through its tail, passing approximately 4,847 miles (7,800 km) from its nucleus.

A comet’s tail may extend for millions of km, but that spectacular display all originates from the much-smaller nucleus at its head. Essentially an ice asteroid, the frozen nucleus partly evaporates when its orbit brings it close to the sun. At this time the comet’s tail, which is composed largely of water vapor and chemically related species, grows in size and may achieve naked-eye visibility from Earth. The vaporization process also releases copious quantities of small rocks and dust because the nucleus is far from pristine ice: it is more like a dirty city snow-bank after a long winter.

The solid rocky material produced by a comet continues to orbit the sun after its release. If that orbit brings it into collision with the Earth, its high speed — which may exceed 155,342 mph (250,000 kph) — causes it to burn up in the upper atmosphere and produce a bright flash we call a meteor, shooting star or falling star. Particles no larger than a pea and which burn up at altitudes of 62 miles (100 km) are easily noticeable from the ground; in fact, this describes most meteors visible to the human eye. When these particles arrive in large numbers, they produce a beautiful display called a meteor shower.


EarthSky’s meteor shower guide for 2011

Video Footage Emerges Of Deadly South Africa Tornado

The first video has emerged of one of two tornadoes that claimed the lives of two young children in South Africa on Sunday.

An 8-year-old child was killed and more than 160 people were injured when the twister tore through the township. Duduza will be declared a disaster area in the coming days, the local Mayor said on Monday.

Mobile phone footage of the tornado was posted online by Antonica Ndlovu, a resident of Duduza, near Nigel, south-east of Johannesburg. A second video by Marcelle Muller shows the tornado edging its way toward Duduza.

Later on Sunday evening, hundreds of homes were destroyed on when a second tornado tore through Ficksburg in Free State province, claiming the life of a 9-year old boy.

“Reports from Ficksburg indicate that a tornado has swept through the town leaving more than 1,000 houses destroyed,” said Chris Botha, a spokesman for Netcare 911.

Ficksburg is situated in the Eastern Free State between the Maluti Mountains. It is the closest town to the Lesotho border. It is well known for it’s scenic game farms.

Tornadoes are not uncommon in South Africa. The deadliest single tornado to hit the country struck in January 18, 1999 at Mount Ayliff, located 200 kilometres southwest of Durban. 25 people were killed and a further 500 were injured when an F4 Tornado hit the town

Calling all Military Veterans of Reddit. We took an oath to protect the people and the constitution of the United States of America. Meet me on Wall St.

I'm heading up there tonight in my dress blues. So far, 15 of my fellow marine buddies are meeting me there, also in Uniform.

I want to send the following message to Wall St and Congress:

I didn't fight for Wall St. I fought for America. Now it's Congress' turn.

My true hope, though, is that we Veterans canact as first line of defense between the police and the protester. If they want to get to some protesters so they can mace them, they will have to get through the Fucking Marine Corps first. Let's see a cop mace abunch of decorated war vets.

I apologize now for typos and errors. Typing this on iPhone whilst heading to NYC. We can organize once we're there. That's what we do best. If you see someone in uniform, gather together.

A formation will be held tonight at 10PM.

We all took an oath to uphold, protect anddefend the constitution of this country. That's what we will be doing.

Hope to see you there


I'm no longer in active duty or in any way contractually indebted to the military. Nor are any of my friends that are joining me.

To the officers' of this thread: I'm aware of the potential, maybe inevitable trouble I can get in. So too are my friends.

I don't really care about the debate here, the upvotes, the downvotes or anything in here really. Mental masturbation is awesome and all. But fucking hell people get off reddit and do something about it. The decision is made. I just figured reddit to be a useful tool to get the attention of a good amount of veterans.

Boston Dynamics unwraps military robot AlphaDog w/ video

by Nancy Owano
Boston Dynamics unwraps military robot AlphaDog (w/ video)

( -- Boston Dynamics has taken the wraps off its newest prototype combat escort, AlphaDog, which was developed with funding from DARPA and the US Marine Corps. Waltham, Massachusetts-based Boston Dynamics last week revealed the video that shows AlphaDog's capabilities for troop support. Those who have seen the video are calling the quadruped robot such names as Mule Poodle, Monster Mutt and BigDog-on-Steroids, but AlphaDog is its name. The robot is described further as the prototype for the formally named LS3. The latter stands for Legged Squad Support System.

The , once fully ready for combat, will navigate through any rough terrain conditions, and will carry 400 pounds of equipment for 20 miles without having to refuel.

AlphaDog does not need a driver; it follows along with troops, making use of its GPS, and state of the art hydraulics. AlphaDog is actually the offspring of BigDog, an earlier, noisier, version with limited and operating range. Nonetheless, BigDog was an impressive step forward in the company’s development efforts toward a mule-like pack robot that could support troop movements and carry gear.

BigDog took on four legs articulated like an animal's, with compliant elements to absorb shock and recycle energy from one step to the next. Sensors for locomotion included a gyroscope, LIDAR and stereo vision system

AlphaDog, in comparison, is designed to be over ten times quieter than BigDog, according to the company. This quadruped has the same cargo carrying mission as BigDog, but with better range and payload.

AlphaDog is to debut next year, and the video shows results so far of this latest round of development."This video shows early results from the control development process," says the company. The video has drawn reactions from viewers who are impressed not as much over its ability to maneuver its four legs over rough rocks and logs but rather its ability to stay on balance no matter how hard the testers shove it around.

Boston teamed up with outside groups to assemble the robot. The company worked with engineers and scientists from Boston Dynamics, Bell Helicopter, AAI Corporation, Carnegie Mellon, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Woodward HRT (the latter does motion control systems and components).

When AlphaDog does make its appearance in 2012, and the U.S. Marines will put the robot through tests.

is an MIT spinoff. The company’s president, Marc Raibert said, “If LS3 can offload 50 pounds from the back of each soldier in a squad, it will reduce warfighter injuries and fatigue and increase the combat effectiveness of our troops.”

The protesters who have been camping out in Manhattan's Financial District for more than two weeks eat donated food and keep their laptops running with a portable gas-powered generator. They have a newspaper — the Occupied Wall Street Journal — and a makeshift hospital.

They lack a clear objective, though they speak against corporate greed, social inequality, global climate change and other concerns. But they're growing in numbers, getting more organized and showing no sign of quitting.

City officials "thought we were going to leave and we haven't left," 19-year-old protester Kira Moyer-Sims said. "We're going to stay as long as we can."

The arrests of more than 700 people on Saturday as thousands tried to cross the Brooklyn Bridge seemed to pour oil on the rage of those who camped out overnight in Zuccotti Park, a private plaza off Broadway near Wall Street.

The growing, cross-country movement "signals a shift in consciousness," said Jared Schy, a young man sitting squeezed between three others who participated in Saturday's march from Manhattan's Financial District to the bridge.

"We don't care whether mainstream media covers this or people see us on television. What counts are the more than 30,000 viewers following our online live stream," he said. "We heard from a lot of them, and they're joining us now!"

The Occupy Wall Street demonstration started out last month with fewer than a dozen college students spending days and nights in Zuccotti Park. It has grown significantly, both in New York City and elsewhere as people across the country, from Boston to Los Angeles, display their solidarity in similar protests.

chemtrails,"global warming",trimethylaluminum,"Day Jet",Stelios

A GIANT underground reservoir of molten rock has been discovered under the deserts of Ethiopia by British geologists.

They targeted the Afar region in the Horn of Africa after a recent surge in volcanic activity and earthquakes plus the appearance of giant cracks in the rocky surface. Tectonic plates in the area are pulling apart and gradually creating a new ocean, The (London) Sunday Times said.

Now, the scientists have mapped the colossal underground lake of magma that lies up to 32km below the earth's surface.

"We estimate that there is 3000 cubic kilometres of molten rock under Afar - enough to cover all of London ... with around a kilometre of rock," said Kathy Whaler, professor of geophysics at Edinburgh University.

The reservoir is under such pressure that it has forced tongues of molten rock up towards the surface, producing eruptions and earthquakes.

In 2005, a 7.6m wide tongue of lava spread 64km under Afar in 10 days and solidified, and many more followed.

Afar lies in east Africa's Great Rift Valley at a point where three tectonic plates are pulling apart from each other. Such movement creates gaps, or rifts, in the Earth's crust, which allows molten rock to well up from deep below.

There are thousands of kilometres of these rifts around the world but almost all lie deep below the ocean. East Africa and Iceland are the only places where they emerge on to land.

Much of Afar is already below sea level but is protected from flooding by a barrier of low hills in Eritrea. Geologists believe the protective barrier will be overcome in about one million years, allowing the Red Sea to inundate the whole area.

Professor Whaler, who presented her preliminary results to the UK's Royal Society last week, said, "Over geological time parts of southern Ethiopia and Somalia will split off and form a new island that moves out into the Indian Ocean."

The mysterious honeybee apocalypse: Up to 12 million bees found dead and dying in Florida and no one knows why

By Michael Zennie

Honeybee carcasses coated the ground around hundreds of Florida beehives after a mysterious massacre claimed millions of bees and mutilated a way of life for local bee keepers.

Experts have ruled out 'colony collapse disorder' and the bee keepers suspect that their bees were poisoned with pesticide. Florida agriculture officials and the local sheriff's office are both investigating.

No one can tell yet what killed as many as 12 million bees from 800 hives this week in Brevard County, on central Florida's Atlantic coast.

Dead bees

Dead: Charles Smith, a Florida bee keeper, says millions of his bees were mysteriously poisoned this week

The massive bee die-off has stung Charles Smith, whose Smith Family Honey Company lost $150,000 worth of bees.

'I'm a pretty tough guy but it is heart wrenching,' he told News 13 in Orlando. 'Not only is it a monetary loss here, but we work really hard on these bees to keep them in good health.'

Smith scooped up handfuls of dead bees that littered the ground around his hives. The bees he raises go to farmers around the country to pollinate numerous crops, he said.

Dead bees

Carcasses: Dead bees litter the ground around the hives where they once thrived

The bee deaths show the tell-tale signs of pesticide poising, experts said. State officials are testing dead bees to determine exactly what killed them.

The Brevard County Sheriff's Office is investigating the deaths, which spanned 30 sites in a mile-and-a-half radius, as a possible crime.

'The fact that it was so widespread and so rapid, I think you can pretty much rule out disease,' Bill Kern, a University of Florida entomologist, told Florida Today. 'It happened essentially almost in one day. Usually diseases affect adults or the brood, you don’t have something that kills them both.'


No disease: Experts have ruled out "colony collapse disorder" as the cause of death

So-called 'colony collapse disorder' has killed bees in millions of hives around the world, but the effects of that disease are more gradual and the bees typically leave the hive before they die, Kern said.

County officials sprayed mosquito-killing pesticide from the air last week, though they said the poison dissipates quickly and should not have harmed the bees.

'I'll never get completely compensated for this unless someone handed me 400 beehives,' Smith told Treasure Coast Newspapers. 'I lost the bees, the ability to make honey and the ability to sell the bees.'

Dead Dolphins Again Found on Coast of Java

"Last Sunday, around 9 a.m. we buried the dead dolphins"

Senin, 3 Oktober 2011, 15:46 WIB
Arfi Bambani Amri
(Taman Nasional Ujungkulon)

VIVAnews - Following the discovery of 17 dead dolphins in Ujung Kulon, residents of Parangtritis and Depok Beach, Yogyakarta witness the same phenomenon. A number of dolphins were found dead and stranded.

"The officers discovered dead fish on the shore not far from the search and rescue (SAR) command post of Parangtritis," said Taufik M Faqi, Secretary of the SAR Parangtritis team, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Taufik stated that as the dolphins were in terrible condition, the SAR officers buried them. "Last Sunday, around 9 a.m. we buried the dead dolphins," he said.

Last Friday, Jakarta Animal Aid Network Coordinator of Wildlife Research and Rehabilitation, Benvika, said there were 17 dead dolphins stranded in Ujung Kulon, western part of Java. He explained that the dolphins had been stranded since last Wednesday. First, 16 dead dolphins were found, and the next day another bottle-nose dolphin was found lifeless.

Benvika revealed, a scientific assessment as to why the dolphins were dead is underway. "It is believed that the dolphins were lost and ended up stranded," he said.

Don't panic over turtle deaths

By Kym Agius, AAP October 3, 2011, 9:50 pm

There is no need to panic over the spike in turtle deaths along Queensland's coast, an ecologist says.

In the past nine months, 1000 turtles, mostly green turtles, have died, compared with 555 in 2010, 625 in 2009 and 552 in 2008, figures from the Department of Environment and Resource Management show.

They are mostly dying from natural causes and are often found emaciated, with just mango seeds or algae in their stomachs.

Sea grasses, turtles' main food source, have died off in record amounts after millions of tonnes of sediment flowed into coastal areas during the summer's floods.

James Cook University marine turtle ecologist Dr Mark Hamann says the turtle population is resilient and the scale of deaths have been taken out of context.

"Green turtles live all throughout the Great Barrier Reef, in the coral atolls, the lagoons and in the deeper water, from Moreton Bay all the way up to the Torres Strait, and it is only the coastal strip that has been impacted by this extreme weather," he told AAP on Monday.

"There are a lot of turtles out there that haven't been impacted at all.

"To have 1000 die in a year is alarming, but it is not going to lead to any depletions.

"We don't need to panic."

The last survey of green turtles in coral areas, not including coastal areas, counted 800,000, and was increasing by three per cent a year, Dr Hamann said.

Concerns have been raised that a mass dredging project in the Port of Gladstone is contributing to the turtle die-off.

The state government is yet to decide whether a three-week ban on fishing in the port - which was implemented after diseased fish were caught - will be lifted when it expires on Friday.

Around 46 million cubic tonnes of seabed is being dredged to make way for two liquefied natural gas plants and export hubs at Curtis Island, as well as the expansion of the Gladstone port.

Local fishermen and the Australian Greens want dredging to be suspended until it can be confirmed that it's not linked to marine life dying off.

Of the 1000 turtles that have become stranded this year, 188 were found in the Gladstone area, where six dolphins and eight dugongs have also died.

One of four dredgers working on the project had stopped work on Friday because turbidity was above set levels.

Spoil that is dredged is being dumped into Fisherman's Landing on the harbour, a reclamation area that will create a land reserve used to service new port facilities.

The Gladstone Ports Corporation told AAP that water was leaking out of the Landing at extreme low tides at such a force it stirred up sediment on the outside of the bund wall.

Chief executive Leo Zussino said that no spoil has leaked out from the bund wall as a membrane liner is designed to stop its movement.

However, he said the GPC and DERM were looking at options to completely seal the bund wall.

He said monitoring checks by DERM show there are no toxic substances in the spoil.

The GPC also says there is no scientific evidence to suggest the project to date has had any effect that would contribute to the loss of marine life or disease in fish. READ MORE