Graphic showing the number of minor earthquakes occurring in the New Madrid fault zone in recent years
Copyright 2011-3011 By Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved.
In early January, right after the first of the year, during the “dead birds and dead fish events” I began to get a very strong intuitive and clairvoyant feeling that something was up with the New Madrid earthquake fault. Apparently it wasn’t just me. Dozens of other truth researchers were getting the same intuitive “hit” regarding odd activity around and in the New Madrid earthquake fault. In the midst of all this, the truth began to emerge about the murder of American patriot John P. Wheeler. I now wonder what else Mr. Wheeler was trying to tell the American people when he was found murdered, dumped in a landfill. There seems to be a bigger story emerging.
This might also explain the rather frenetic activity at the underground Iron Mountain storage facility in east Pennsylvania to bury the nation’s vital records and historical documents underground.
Wheeler was apparently trying to blow the whistle on something when he was killed. Will the next New Madrid earthquake be an induced national catastrophe, a massive false flag event? NLE 2011 preparations proceed at a brisk pace.
The extended affect region of the New Madrid Fault zone is enormous, covering nearly 1/3rd of the continental USA landmass. These graphics show possible affects in surrounding regions if a 6.8 to 7.5 level earthquake should strike the region.
A Google search of “NLE 2011″ reveals a plethora of official FEMA reports about their preparations and analysis of the likliehood of an imminent quake in the New Madrid fault.
I just located this latest citizen journalist video, [ see below ] I have decided to post it. The video is about 29 minutes in length. Watch the whole thing then share it. You can make up your own mind on this. The map is remarkably similar to at least 10 other “Earth changes flood maps” I have seen online for the USA in the past ten years.
FEMA is conducting an NLE, National Level Exercise 2011, a series of drills and events and their published data strongly suggests they are anticipating an earthquake, or possibly a series of quakes, in the central USA New Madrid Earthquake zone. If you live in the identified region for the New Madrid earthquake zone, you should take emergency preparedness precautions, have several escape routes planned and supplies, food and water ready in the event of a natural or man made HAARP event disaster.
Watch A Slideshow of Images and Graphs From the Above Video
Earlier in January 2011 I wrote:
ALERT: New Madrid Earthquake Fault Is Stirring: Largest Earthquake Fault in USA is NOT the San Andreas
Tags: earth changes, us navy american flood maps, us navy flood map, america after the floods, safety lands, emergency preparedness, NLE 2011
Earth change maps showing flood impacted areas after asteroid ocean strike in the USA. Sea Level Rise Map (Oddly enough or rather coincidentally the 200 feet level,
dark blue, rise shown for my current location matches the level I saw in one of my
earth change dreams. The 500 feet rise is roughly what I figure to be the 10,000 year flood level.)
Map showing the USA after supposed 2009 pole shift
Sign of the Times Forum thread showing pole shift maps
100 meter sea level rise map after polar ice melt (Eastern USA) (Europe) (World)
What if all the ice melts Myths and realities (shows maps of sea level rises if polar ice melts)
[ These collected "post earth changes" maps below show
various visions and premonitions of how the earth
changes related flooding globally will affect land masses.
I am making no claims as to the accuracy
or veracity of these "post earth changes" maps, I am simply
presenting them for readers to examine.
I find the subject fascinating. ]
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