Between year 2008 - 2012 ( 2015 ) , there will be Galactic Alignment of our Solar system with the Central of the Milky Way ... Will the LHC Detector make a gravitation influence with this Galactic plane ?
" The polar shift of Earth will cost billions of human lives ! Devastation, hunger and shortage of drinking water will past during this up coming years of global catastrophe on our Mother Earth as our Ancestors predicted. "
Earthquakes, storms and flooding with a high radiation hit of plasma from the Sun, gravitation of asteroids passing trough of our atmosphere with nuclear destruction and movement of continents from it's places will be results of many inhabited places for many people and animals to survive.
" This scientist's proof of this upcoming event as our Ancestors told us long ago is actually the great evolution for human kind and all life on Earth "
By the historians this event is the 7 years of tribulation ( Bible ) Upcoming :
" New World - New Human - New Earth "
Which will be so beautiful that this world will become the highest and lightest Temple of God in the Universe
" Mayans prophecy about the End of our dark age the " materialistic world " we are living in today and long way of waiting period of time for return of God is about to come ! "
" Only those, who can be trusted by God's heart the way they love each other and protecting our Mother Earth, will survive in the arms of our Mother Earth ! "
Galactic Alignment 2012 APROVED !

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