Mystery Object Reported In Sky Posted by: The Real Signs of Time Posted date: Friday, October 21, 2011 / comment : 0 Video Player ControlsPlay/Pause VideoSeek ReverseSeek ForwardReplay VideoVolume DownVolume UpFocus VideoOMAHA, Neb. -- Many people reported seeing a bright flash of light moving across the sky early Wednesday, but it's unclear what it was exactly.Several people from the Omaha area called KETV to report seeing the object about 3:24 a.m. A security camera at the Lincoln airport seemed to capture the mystery object moving at a fast rate above the horizon.People also called the Lancaster County Sheriff's Office after the object appeared and then disappeared in the sky."There was a large flash of light. The caller thought it might be a meteorite of some sort. And we got a couple of different calls on the object," Sheriff Terry Wagner said.Deputies rushed to where callers thought the object may have landed -- some six miles outside of Lincoln."[We] were unable to locate any debris or damage," Wagner said.There were reports that the object was seen as far away as southwest Minnesota.Read more: Share !
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