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» »Unlabelled » What Are They Hiding In Joplin, MO?

The government has a secret morgue of the dead victims of the Tornado that destroyed most of the town. Is this the beginning of FEMA's Operation Solid Curtain?

Joplin black plague outbreak predicted in The Crazies movie or just more SHTF GTFO FEMA games

JOPLIN, Mo. (AP) -- An aggressive fungus is striking Joplin tornado victims, contributing to a handful of deaths. Doctors told the Springfield News-Leader that at least nine survivors may have contracted blood-vessel invading zygomycota.

Joplin People Become Infected With Deadly Mold Spread By Last Month's Tornado

The symptoms of the infection were only noticed five to ten days after the mold had already infiltrated the area. Depending on age and overall health of the individual, it is possible for a person to survive the deadly fungus infection.

Joplin black plague outbreak The Crazies movie SHTF GTFO FEMA zygomycota bleach prepper prepping emergency disaster preparedness zombie apocalypse

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