It is thought that Elenin played a role in the 3/11 Japan Quake though 2000-PN9 (object #23187) seemed to be awfully close to earth on 3/11. Elenin is rapidly making its approach at about 1.3 million miles per day and was about 200 million miles from earth on 3/11. While Elenin may have many possible impacts and effect throughout the remainder of this year there seems to be 4 major time windows between 09/11/2011 and 11/27/2011.
1) ELENIN IMPACTS THE SUN! 9/3 through 11/22! It will be closest to the Sun on 9/11/11! 4.82AU. There may be a violent reaction between the Sun and Elenin which may cause Earth to be impacted seriously by, radiation, CME or solar flare!
2) INSIDE ALIGNMENT Sept 22-28 time window. With the 24, 25 & 26th seeing very close alignment with Elenin being between the earth and the sun.
3) CLOSE FLY BY October 12-21 period with Elenin being closest on the 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th as it moves very slowly at a rate of about 93,000 miles per day.
A 1300 ft in diameter asteroid approaches
named 2005 ZU55.
4) EARTH PASSES THROUGH ELENIN'S ORBITAL TRAIL with risk of potential debris beteeen 10-21 through 11/10.
During this period asteroid 2005 ZU55 lurks.
5) EARTH Enters minor planetary alignment with mercury venus and Elenin as earth on 11/11 as earth approaches INWARD ALIGNMENT with ELENIN between 11/15-11/27. The Earth will be between the Sun and ELenin with the key alignment period occuring between 11/22-11/25. Elenin will be approximately 53.9 million miles away during this period as it moves away from earth at a rate of approx 1.58 million miles per day.
In the meantime Endtime, Judgment Day, Return Of Jesus dates are predicted as well as talk of date for Rapture & Tribulation as outlined in the Book Of Revelation. There have been wars and rumors of wars. 2011 has already been an incredible year of events to say the least. What remains to be seen is what waits the populace during the remainder of 2011? ELENIN = Eleven Nine? 911?
NASA Elenin Orbital Link:
NASA 2000PN9 23187 link :;orb=1;log=0;cad=0#orb
ELENIN TIMELINE 2011 Year of Cataclysms & Chaos
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