NOAA 11191, N07W48(X=706,Y=172) Single small decaying sunspot. NOAA 11193, N16W29(X=846,Y=339) Beta region in decay phase. Slight chance for a low level C-class event. NOAA 11195, S17E46(X=-658,Y=-222) Beta region with some strong mixing in the leading area. Little change in sunspots or magnetic complexity from yesterday. Region has produced several mid level C-class events. Expect further low and mid level C-class events. NOAA 11196, S27E60(X=-738,Y-394) Beta region. Region is to close to the east limb too tell true magnetic complexity. Expect further C-class events. NOAA 1119-, S16E68(X=-836,Y=-228) Small single sunspot. Positions are for April 21,2011 at 15:30UT.
Solar activity has increased with multiple mid level C-class events mainly from NOAA 11195. The largest was a C8.5 at 9:48UT today. New region NOAA 11196 also produced a mid level C-class event. Expect solar activity to continue with further low level and mid level C-class events from NOAA 11195 and NOAA 11196.
Solar Activity Report 21-APR-2011 16:04:09 UT
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