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» »Unlabelled » UFOs Spotted in Tasmania, Australia

Mysterious lights were seen in the night sky over Launceston in Tasmania on two nights last week.

Skateboarder and film afficionado Brendon Hill saw the UFOs on Thursday night, and then managed to capture footage when they reappeared on Saturday night.

Hill saw the strange green and white flashing lights above the town of Mayfield from his backyard balcony at his house in Riverside.

"On Thursday I dragged my three mates outside to show them and they were bewildered—none of them could describe what they saw or could come up with an explanation of what it was," Hill told his local newspaper, The Examiner.

The following day, Hill used his binoculars to explore the area where he believed the strange light spheres had originated, but he could not gather any clues to explain the phenomenon.

"There are no buildings or towers in that area that could generate that much light—it was very strange how I couldn't see anything during the day," he said.

Then on Saturday night, the strange objects reappeared around 9 p.m., and Hill had the opportunity to catch them on camera.

"It seems so unhuman, it doesn't resemble anything I have seen before and after seeing it with my own eyes it feels very spooky," Hill said.

There were no other sightings reported of the UFOs. A spokesman at the Launceston Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) told The Examiner that no information was received at its office about any strange lights in the sky, and local Air Traffic Control did not get any notices either.

One possible explanation is the Aurora Australis or Southern lights happening around that time. However, there is no similarity between a typical aurora and the spherical lights Hill filmed.


About The Real Signs of Time

Think for yourself” is probably the most important advice an educated person can hear. Unfortunately, its meaning has become ambiguous.
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