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» »Unlabelled » THE THREE FORCES OF GOD.

The entire universe of which we individually and collectively along with everything else are a part of which is popularly called god is governed by three forces-CREATIVE,PROTECTIVE and DESTRUCTIVE,also called BRAHMA,VISHNU,MAHESH.

These are the three forces which are present everywhere and in everything in the entire universe and everything contained in it is but a play of these three forces,everything is controlled by these three forces.There is nothing else but these three present in everything in creation.The sum total of these three forces is called god.

Now if we look at ourselves we can clearly see the play of these forces and how they govern our lives,one may be in a creative frame of mind one day and create something new like a painting or a house or anything else,then on day one might be in an protective frame of mind to protect what one believes to be his rightful property or his birthright,then one day one might be in a destructive frame of mind to punish those whom he believes have harmed him in any way or taken away what he believes to be rightfully his.

These three roles are interchanged in every ones lives daily,you just have to look at your mood at any given moment to know what mode you are in that particular moment.If you look around you carefully you will observe people with varying degrees of predominance of one particular force over the other.

Now look further at societies and countries and you will find entire societies or countries with the predominance of one of the three forces of nature,there are countries which are engaged in creative pursuits like inventions in medicine or computers or any other pursuit for the betterment of mankind,then there are other countries which are engaged in protective pursuits to protect their territory or their rights and those countries which are forever engaged in destructive pursuits to gain more territory or power.Here i must add that these countries also use the other two less dominant forces in pursuit of their goals which may be CREATIVE,PROTECTIVE or DESTRUCTIVE but the predominance of one particular trait is always there.

Now let us look beyond ourselves and earth and look at the entire universe,what do we see new galaxies,solar systems,suns being created and destroyed amongst the countless objects in what we can see of the universe.Thus you will realise that the forces of CREATION,PROTECTION and DESTRUCTION are prevalent in the entire universe and control every thing in existence.

These three forces are the three parts of what we call god,they arise from the same ultimate force we call god and govern the universe.

The three aspects of god keep the balance in the universe,they are interlinked and when there is in balance and one of the three forces more dominant then the other two assert themselves to maintain the balance,the balance between the three forces has to be maintained forever hence the cycle of CREATION,PROTECTION and DESTRUCTION will go on forever and nothing can escape it.

About The Real Signs of Time

Think for yourself” is probably the most important advice an educated person can hear. Unfortunately, its meaning has become ambiguous.
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