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» »Unlabelled » CHEMTRAILS EXPOSED: Cindy Pikoulas Holds EffectiveTV News Interview on Chemtrails

Chemtrails and the INSIDE JOB — Watch the documentary” INSIDE JOB” to understand how the upper echelons of Wall Street have seized control of Washington and America’s Acedemic Institutions.

Speaking for Long Island Skywatch, Cindy Pikoulas makes a strong Chemtrail case on WTEN, Albany in the interests of public health, safety and welfare.

The official deniers on these fair and balanced news shows are always the so-called “experts” — especially those who publish and are dependant on “grants” to support their work and the academic institutions they represent (work for).

In this case, atmospheric chemist, Dr. Kevin Rhoads contorts his body language in such a bazaar manner as to give away his ambivalence at having to engage the topic of “Chemtrails”.

Instead of approaching the discussion with the essentials of the scientific method, Rhoads is visibly uncomfortable to the point of expressing a sort of physical” anguish” as analyzed by his body language in enhanced video replay.

Dr. Rhoades has authored and co-authored many scientific papers that were, or could be used to write public policy for environmental and global warming issues.

What would it mean to his career and to the credibility of the alleged Global Warming hypothesis if Dr. Rhoades were to admit that he ignored or threw out test results that revealed the presence of Aluminum and/or Barium in the atmosphere?

This is how the National Science Foundation (Rockefeller) and other New World Order Globalist Crime syndicates use funding as fiscal “extortion” on order to silence the very institutions the public relies on to report the facts.

CHEMTRAILS in Space Preservation Act of 2001 as HR 2977

Notes – Resources

Dr. Rhoades is wrong. CHEMTRAILS is specifically mentioned in 2001 Legislation, HR 2977 and described as an “exotic weapon”not mitigation for Global Warming. CLICK HERE

About The Real Signs of Time

Think for yourself” is probably the most important advice an educated person can hear. Unfortunately, its meaning has become ambiguous.
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