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» »Unlabelled » Russian Federation Warnings: New information of solar activity

I know glp can be all wet with imposter posters who have 'friends of friends in high places' (roflmao) but say this was true, then watching for solar blasts could be our only warning when Cycle 24 gets more amped up by end of year. If there is a delay we won't know what's coming our way except for the fact that a huge CME is not instantaneous, right? (maybe that shoots down this idea by itself). Is there any flare or mass ejection event that could cause immediate damage so that not knowing would limit your options for getting out of it's path? Also, wouldn't watching the neutron monitors -Moscow, South Pole- give you a good ahead warning of a MAJOR event coming? Btw, where is our event, given the end point of the South Pole dip today?

Russian Federation Warnings: New information of solar activity

Hello friends,

I have brought information here recently, mostly from sources of friends in the universities (with many contacts in science and government) in Russia. You can find my 2 posted thread ( I did not post before, only within last month). I post here because I am not the source, the information is indirect and it is not illegal what I am doing.

The information I have been given is the following:

1. The sun has reached "unprecedented levels of activity"- in intensity and frequency
2. This activities will continue to increase, they will achieve massive damages on modern countries and unknown effects to our planet itself
3. Of major scientists (at least a few open minded ones, is giving thought to the Mayan practices of observing cycles which coincided with solar cycles, and no longer dismissing or laughing them!)
4. There is a "solar catastrophe" scenario the government is aware in Russia, there is some exchange of information with Europe and the United States. Information to the public is being blocked, news is being kept secret, no announcements or early warnings will be given when solar effects are expected to hit. One source told me already the solar imaging available to the public is delayed or censored, so the public will have no real knowledge of what is happening, no time to act.
5. The possibility of a "climax"- in intensity and frequency of solar discharges of energy reaching a maximum in late 2011 through until 2013 "CAUSING THE END OF MODERN CIVILISATIONS" IS REAL. This has been spoken at high levels among scientific and government authorities (Roscosmos, ESA and within the United States own establishments according to my sources).

I was warned that something would happen due to solar activity before the earthquake in N. Japan on March 11th. Even, it was suggested to me I might not be able to fly back home to Russia because the "event" could be of such implications. There were lots of rumours before this, that the Russian government knew something was coming several days before it happened. I am afraid now that the same may happen, this time on our entire planet within the next year, year and a half.


-Sergei K.

About The Real Signs of Time

Think for yourself” is probably the most important advice an educated person can hear. Unfortunately, its meaning has become ambiguous.
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