
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Planet X and the Pole-Shift Emblazoned on an Ancient Mayan Tablet

Figure 1 – This image clearly shows three heavenly bodies:  Earth at right-middle with an atmosphere indicated,  a typical placement of the Sun, upper-middle and an obvious very energetic heavenly body, left-middle. The shape extending toward Earth is the massive tail of Planet X which is the cause of the globally devastating asteroid and rock hail, sheets of fire and the classic red dust fall just before and during the hour of the Pole-Shift. In addition, we also expect electrical disturbances from it’s charged tail many months before the Pole-Shift itself; we also have to protect electronic devices against EMP weeks before the Pole-Shift due to the close proximity of Planet X itself. The space vehicles aloft on the tablet indicate the Annunaki royalty escaping the Pole-Shift event above Earth at a safe distance. (info sourced from Art by Chris Thomas.
New source of Mayan artifacts – An image (figure 1) of a heretofore unknown Mayan tablet, held in escrow by the Mexican government for 80 years, caught my attention a few weeks ago, so I took a desktop capture of it as it is extremely revealing regarding Planet X and the Pole-Shift.  This seminal image, taken from a video-lecture (viewable at the bottom of this page) by Nassim Haramein, is part of a larger collection that was purportedly released to the public by the Mexican government as reported by Steve Pond, editor at on September 26, 2011. The Website article, from a telephone interview with C. Raul Julia-Levy, a Mexican film and television actor, was also a heads-up for a video documentary apparently in production called: “Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond”. This documentary film was apparently to document the importance of Mexican history based on discoveries from a key Mayan site at Calakmul, which is a Maya archaeological site in the Mexican state of Campeche, deep in the jungles of the greater Petén Basin region in southern Mexico. The primary buzz from this public release was more in relation to the Science of Ufology and Mexico’s historical context with ET or “alien” contact, yet I could see the Planet X/Pole-Shift connection right away. Since most people are not educated about the nature of Planet X and it’s history of passages over Eons of time, all viewpoints were focused on the obvious graphic UFO aspects of the Mayan Tablet shown in Figure 1. In the video seen below, not a clue is had of the real  importance of this Mayan tablet release. The only two remaining shapes in Figure 1 that I cannot explain is the dark triangle at the center of the energetic body: Planet X, and the little half-moon shape within the extension directed at Earth: “the tail of Planet X”, other than that, it is a glaringly obvious warning of the passage of Planet X and the resulting Pole-Shift.
Site of Calakmul
The ancient Mayan city of Calakmul (300 BC – to – 900 AD), in the Mexican state Campeche, has 6,000 structures over  292,594 acres of currently protected land and wildlife; it was once home to an estimated 50,000 souls. (Image credit –
A back story was revealed while researching this article which I believe is part of the Planet X cover-up. Apparently the executive producer of the video documentary  “Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond” Elisabeth Thieriot, has allegedly absconded with all the raw footage (contained on 10 hard drives and a dozen computers) that was shot at Calakmul in preparation for the documentary production. As of May 9, 2012, the documentary production was stymied with finger-pointing and court cases. You have to ask yourself: “Why run away with the raw footage of video documentary?” Surely a for-the-public video would eventually re-surface elsewhere and the perpetrators be found and prosecuted? So, where is the value in that purely as a theft other than to prevent public exposure? It follows that, considering this documentary contained: “claims of classified archaeological discoveries, dire predictions and extraterrestrial contact” and with obvious graphic references (Figure 1) indicating historical evidence of Planet X, this can only be another Planet X cover-up, deletion-style. In a similar vein, the internet-wide removal of the 2004 Woodbridge Crop Circle is another of this cover-up style.
Woodbridge crop circle – July 13, 2004. The nuclear symbol in the center of two closed circles is a reassurance by the ET circle makers that the sun is not a nuclear threat.
This crop circle entirely refutes “The Sun is a threat to Earth” lie-concept forwarded by the Elite Hierarchy cover-up campaign, therefore the Figure 1 heavenly body at left-middle is Planet X and not the Sun as commonly believed. Keep this in mind when watching the video at the bottom of my article: The Sun is safe. (Credit –
The Figure 1 Mayan tablet is a crushing blow to the Planet X cover-up effort, it’s no wonder the  “Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond” film  footage was stolen, but there is confusion among many “experts” on archaeological finds that illustrate prior Pole-Shifts: they don’t recognize the message. To wit, the black ops lie: “The Sun is a threat” still reigns supreme, even though the other black ops lie: “Global Warming” is taking a kicking these days with scientists claiming a cooling globe since 1997. This demonstrates that the “Global Warming” Planet X cover-up campaign is based on a fixed and forced viewpoint and not live data, although it’s name has morphed from: “Global Warming Theory” to “Global Warming” and these days is referred to as: “Climate Change”, yet I predict the insidious and well-funded Elite hierarchy Planet X cover-up management will find a way to leverage the cooling globe data to fit some other style of Planet X-deception scheme. The G.W. Theory lie was crafted a long time ago, based on a much more naive public with an non-existent public Internet; so these days with the increasing effects from a Planet X-induced Earth Wobble, the weather no longer fits the placid and predictable models of 20 years ago just prior to the entry of Planet X in our Solar system.

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