
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Putin’s land-grab of eastern Europe: His reasons why.

Russia before the Pole-shift:  The Russian border is in  red.  I have obscured the boarder countries to emphasize the Russian-controlled portion of the Eurasian land mass.  Notice that the Crimean Peninsula (circled by green) is included since Putin has reasserted control of this area as of spring 2014.
The complexities of dramatic political moves by powerful leaders can usually be reduced to the greed for power, influence and money, even though the reasons claimed are often an attempt to sanctify such actions. But the shroud by which a strongman uses to cloak his true motives, now in the case of Putin and his ex-soviet state land-grab, on the surface  seems to neither be necessary or desired. The obvious re-establishment of Russian rule over the Crimean peninsula as of March this year (2014) marks this new initiative by Putin in the former Soviet socialist republics.
Before Putin was president of Russia and holding several Russian premierships, he was an officer in the KGB for 16 years, now it seems his experiences in this regard to appear to have smoothed his deft political hand in the re-invasion of the former soviet republics. The current “crisis” in Ukraine (September 2014), in my opinion, is obviously more of the same. Putin is leaning on the Ukraine leadership, his tacit support for the “pro-Russian separatists” and his stated desire to “protect Russian citizens” is most-likely an attempt to drag the entirety of Ukraine back into his power vortex. We know at this point it is only Donetsk and western Ukraine, yet I predict that Putin wants all the Ukraine. Even as late as mid-September 2014, Putin has threatened a take-over some of the NATO aligned countries in a private conversation revealed by President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine. Think about what means: a veiled threat to take-over NATO countries.  This is an  indirect confrontation, by innuendo, with the western allies.
To add to the intrigue, Putin is doing all this while the U.S. and the European Union have been applying sanctions against Russian oligarchs and Corporations: in other words, flying in the face of the raised eyebrows of the international community. So then, it clearly seems that Putin is brazenly effecting a takeover of portions eastern Europe, but what is his motive? Let’s take a look at this from an entirely different angle.
Half of Russia’s population lives in western Russia.
First, let’s set the stage for the Pole-Shift with an understanding as to what it will bring. ZetaTalk tells us that as Planet X passes by within 15 million miles it takes hold of Earth’s magnetic core, re-orients it with the Earth’s mantle following behind, culminating in a 90° Earth-roll. This puts the current North and South pole geography  on the Equator:  that’s 6.4 million cubic miles  of quickly melting compacted ice of Antarctica alone (Wikipedia on the Antarctica ice sheet: “That is, approximately 61 percent of all fresh water on the Earth is held in the Antarctic ice sheet, an amount equivalent to 70 m of water in the world’s oceans.“).  After the Earth-roll (re-positioning mantel) comes to an abrupt stop, it causes a displacement of the world’s oceans forcing the full mass of the sea to pass over all the coastlines of the globe. This is why a safe location for the Pole-Shift must include a combination of a large distance and height from the nearest ocean. At this point, the Pole-Shift is finished and the After-Time begins. However, the After-Time starts with all the world’s ice positioned in Earth’s hot equatorial zone commencing a massive ice-melt.
If anyone were to study the ZetaTalk website, follow the current ZetaTalk via the weekly newsletters, observe the corresponding political, social, geographical , oceanographic and atmospheric events unfolding, they would be hard-pressed not to be very impressed, not only with the quality of thought put into the converging concepts,  but both verbal structure and meanings direct and implied. As an aside, ZetaTalk has been greatly maligned by very powerful forces, so much disinformation is found on the Internet. Yet it’s track record is second to none. Obviously ZetaTalk is attacked because  of it’s accuracy, which also means that it is very much watched by the world leaders, in typical incognito fashion, of course.
The Zetas of ZetaTalk have said many times that the Pole-Melt (both melting ice caps) will raise the sea level by 675 feet. This puts all coastlines underwater, slowly, over a ZetaTalk-predicted 1½ years. Now let’s take a look at what a 675 foot sea level rise will do to Russia:
This is Russia 18 months after the Pole-Shift. The dark blue areas are below the 675 foot ocean rise: completely flooded.  Notice that western Russia is completely under water except for the Ural mountains and a small piece of land where the Black sea was? The inset showing a close-up of the Black Sea is to illustrate the strategic position of the Crimean Mountains, which as is seen, will be the only large island in the new sea between western Ukraine and the Caucus mountains:  a strategic location.
Is it no wonder then why Putin is attempting to dominate the former eastern-block countries? With at least half the population of Russia seeking high ground in the west, Putin is clearly paving-the-way for his Russian people to have some where to go: the high land in western Ukraine, Crimea and perhaps that of southern Romania, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Slovakia, these countries all have high land and will be above the waves in the After-Time. We will see if he continues his conquering of eastern Europe.
Credit: Zetatalk for revealing the essential motives of Putin contained in this blog post.
Art is by Chris Thomas.
Relative ZetaTalk: “Russia has a broad border with Europe that will be massively flooded in the Aftertime. This issue is central to the fuss over the Crimea and eastern Ukraine at the present time, which are the only territories Russia desires. Russia will migrate its populace to eastern Russia, but will remain on the highlands near Moscow, on the highlands of the Crimea, on the highlands near Sochi, and in the Urals. How will these lands be defended, while Russia moves hundreds of millions of its people to the east? The Crimea is Russia’s main naval base, and the flooding Volga and Don rivers will provide an inlet to the flooded lands of western Russia. Russia will defend its rear, as it migrates, by boat!

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