
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

NIBIRU Planet X - ANNUNAKI 'Alien Invasion' Stan Deyo

Stan Deyo says NASA and the pentagon believe the annunaki will return with the coming of Nibiru. Wheter it's a planet, brown dwarf star we will find out but something aint right.

Its likely annunaki are already here, this will be a staged "contact"

The name Nibiru was taken from the old Sumerian stone tablets and is loosely translated to mean "Planet of the crossing."

The Sumerian civilization is thus far the oldest recorded civilization located in Mesopotamia, modern day Iraq. Sumerians spoke about planet Nibiru and the "gods" called the Anunnaki (Those who came from heaven to earth), and
their direct influence on Earths civilizations, and creating a hybrid species called nephilim.

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