
Monday, September 09, 2013

The Celestial Battle: Nibiru meets Solaris and Tiamat

Cultures express their understandings of the cosmos in their idiosyncratic metaphors. Sumerian scribes left clay-tablet writings and drawings they say were dictated by the "gods"–tall, long-headed goldmining expedition personnel from the planet Nibiru who engineered our species some 300,000 years ago, hybridizing their genes with those of Homo Erectus devolved from ancient human settlers of Earth.

The Sumerian "god" Thoth/Ningishidda, actually a son of Enki (the Nibiran goldmining and science boss on Earth).  Ningishzidda was known in Mesoamerica as Quetzlcoatl.  He dictated the Mayan Calendar, which shows 2012 as a time of Nibiru's return to Earth's vicinity. Thoth based the Mayan Calendar on the cosmological tale, the Enuma elish--the Creation Epic--below.

    The cosmology the "gods" dictated anthropomorphized the planets (as do Lovelock and Russell nowadays).  That is, the Nibirans regarded planetary bodies as having consciousness, will and ability to act.  I extracted the tale below from clay tablet inscriptions Mining Chief Enki and dictated to his scribe, Endubscar.  My late teacher, Zecharia Sitchin, translated Enki's tablets.  You can peruse the tablets in detail in "The Lost Book of Enki," 2002, pages 46-55.

Six thousand years ago, Nibiran astronauts dictated Enuma elish--the Creation Epic--to the Sumerians (folk in Iraq 10,000 years ago). The Sumerians pressed the Enuma elish into clay tablets how the Nibirans said our solar system formed. 

Sumerian Clay Tablet

The Creation Epic says Solaris, our Sun (then a solitary star) first created a planet the Nibirans called Tiamat. Tiamat, the proto-Earth, orbited Solaris counterclockwise.

Next, Solaris, which the Nibirans called Apsu, created Mercury and propelled Mercury with water and gold to Tiamat. Planet-pairs formed: Venus with Mars, Jupiter with Saturn, Uranus with Neptune. These planetary partners orbited the Sun counterclockwise, the same direction Tiamat followed.

Tiamat lacked a partner-planet, but one of her moons, Kingu, enlarged. Kingu prepared to partner with Tiamat. Then Kingu could orbit the Sun, rather than Tiamat. But, four billion years ago, before Kingu could attain planetary orbit around Solaris, the planet Nibiru, adrift since the star around which it had been orbiting, exploded, invaded our Solar System clockwise.

The gravitational pull of Nibiru pulled a piece of Neptune into space. That’s how Neptune’s moon, Triton, formed. Triton, unlike other moons in the System, orbits its planet clockwise.
As Nibiru pierced our Solar System, Nibiru lost three of its moons but Nibiru gained four from Uranus. Nibiru tore four moons from Uranus. Not only that, but Nibiru's passing also tilted Uranus’ orbit.

Nibiru pulled Gaga, Saturn’s largest moon, into clockwise orbit (between Neptune and Uranus). We call Gaga Pluto.

On one of Nibiru’s orbital perigees around Solaris (four billion years ago), one of Nibiru's moons slammed into Tiamat and gouged out huge chunks. These chunks of Tiamat careened into space.  We call the gouge in Tiamat where Nibiru’s moon hit "the Pacific Basin," the chunks of Tiamat  "asteroids and comets," and the remainder of Tiamat "Earth".

In the Pacific, waters and life-seeds of Nibiru and Tiamat evolved together.

 Nibiru's gravity took with it all Tiamat’s other moons; these moons now circled Nibiru, not Tiamat.  kept

Nibiru stabilized into a clockwise orbit (Nibiru at the time revolved around the sun once for every 3,600 times Earth circled the Sun; one Nibiran year equaled 3,600 Earth years).


Nibirans dictated this rocket map.  From Nibiru to Earth, the rocket passes through vapor at 45o to the passage between Jupiter and Mars.  [Sitchin 1978, The 12th Planet, page 274]

Sumerian seal depicting (in background, upper left, between the two Nibirans), long before Copernicus, our solar system, including planets beyond unaided human eyesight.)  [Sitchin Cards 8 of Spades]

Nibiru kept its clockwise orbit equal to 3,600 orbits of Earth around the Sun until 10, 900 B.C.E., when Nibiru arrived earlier. Uranus had drifted away from Solaris and Uranus’ gravity sped Nibiru’s orbit. As a result of this close encounter between Nibiru and Uranus, Uranus captured one of Nibiru’s moons, Miranda.  Miranda now revolves around Uranus rather than Nibiru. From 10,000B.C.E. on, thanks to the boost Uranus gave Nibiru, Nibiru circled the sun every 3450 Earth years rather than every 3600 years.  So Nibiru next returns to the inner solar system in 2900A.D. rather than 2012 as predicated on the earlier 3600-year orbit [Sitchin, Z., 2007, The End of Days, pages 315 - 317]. Rumors on the internet New Years 2010: Sitchin's again re-calculating the time Nibiru'll return.  Go figure; carpe diem in any case.
Solaris, our Sun (then a solitary star) first created a planet the Nibirans called Tiamat. Tiamat was the proto-Earth. It orbited Solaris counterclockwise.

Next, Solaris (our sun, called Apsu) created Mercury and propelled Mercury with water and gold to Tiamat. Planet-pairs formed: Venus with Mars, Jupiter with Saturn, Uranus with Neptune. These planetary partners orbited the Sun counterclockwise (the same direction Tiamat followed) in the same orbital plane (ecliptic).  The planets' orbits shifted, "moving in unstable orbits, crowding toward Tiamat," making both Tiamat and Nibiru sprout moons.

Tiamat lacked a partner-planet, but one of her moons, Kingu, enlarged. Kingu prepared to partner with Tiamat. Then Kingu could orbit the Sun, rather than Tiamat.

But, four billion years ago, before Kingu could attain planetary orbit around Solaris, Neptune’s gravity pulled Nibiru, a planet adrift after its sun collapsed, from far outer space into the Solaris system. Nibiru invaded the System clockwise. [Sitchin, Z., 2010, There Were Giants Upon The Earth, page 105-107].

The gravitational pull of Nibiru pulled a piece of Neptune into space. That’s how Neptune’s moon, Triton, formed. Triton, unlike other moons in the System, orbits its planet clockwise.
As Nibiru pierced our Solar System, Nibiru lost three of its moons but Nibiru gained four from Uranus. Nibiru tore four moons from Uranus. Not only that, but Nibiru's passing also tilted Uranus’ orbit.

Nibiru pulled Gaga, Saturn’s largest moon, into clockwise orbit (between Neptune and Uranus). We call Gaga Pluto.

One orbit of Nibiru into the inner solar system forced all Tiamat's newly sprouted moons from their counterclockwise orbits around Tiamat and into a clockwise orbital direction, following Nibiru instead of Tiamat. These moons "became the otherwise inexplicable retrograde orbiting comets".  Nibiru's perigee sucked off Kingu's atmosphere and interrupted the immanent solar orbit of Kingu around Tiamat.  Kingu then orbited Earth not the Sun.

Next time Nibiru orbited into the inner solar system, Nibiru collided with the bottom of Tiamat, tearing Tiamat apart and changing Tiamat's orbit.  The top part of Tiamat became Earth, the bottom part, "smashed to bits and pieces, became the asteroid belt. We call the gouge in Tiamat where Nibiru hit "the Pacific Basin." and the former orbital path of Tiamat before Nibiru struck “Heaven.”  [Evidence: Cylinder seal from 2500 B.C., VA, Voderasiatisches Museum, Berlin.]

In the Pacific, waters and life-seeds of Nibiru and Tiamat evolved together [Sitchin, Z., 2010, There Were Giants Upon The Earth, page 109-114].

Nibiru's gravity took with it all Tiamat’s moons except Kingu, the moon who, just before Nibiru invaded, readied himself to claim an orbit around Solaris. Nibiru left Kingu lifelessly orbiting Earth, rather than Solaris. Tiamat's other moons became satellites of Nibiru.
The gods told the Sumerians of water on asteroids, comets, Neptune, Uranus, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, also on the rings of Saturn and Saturn's and Jupiter's moons as well. Our astronomers recently confirmed this.
The Sumerian Creation Epic lends compelling evidence for the extraterrestrial settlement of Earth by Nibirans, the human astronauts who came to be regarded as the gods of Earth.

      Millennia passed after Nibiru and the solar system stabilized around Solaris. Sumerian tablets describe Nibiru as “a radiating planet.” They show Nibiru as a cross since Nibiru, moving toward its perigee, passes between the orbital paths of Mars and Jupiter and “crosses” the plane of the orbit the Earth-remanant of Tiamat where the unbroken Tiamat had been before Niburu hit it. When Earth's also near perigee, people on Earth see Nibiru without telescopes.

Sasha Lessin, Ph.D.
Based on the works of Zecharia Sitchin
  Essay 1
The Celestial Battle: Nibiru meets Solaris and Tiamat (Proto Earth)

Cultures express their understandings of the cosmos in their idiosyncratic metaphors. Sumerian scribes left clay-tablet writings and drawings they say were dictated by the "gods"–tall, long-headed, fully human goldmining expedition personnel from the planet Nibiru who engineered our species some 300,000 years ago, hybridizing their genes with those of Homo Erectus devolved from ancient human settlers of Earth.
The Sumerian "god" Thoth/Ningishidda, actually a son of Enki (the Nibiran goldmining and science boss on Earth).  Ningishzidda was known in Mesoamerica as Quetzlcoatl.  He dictated the Mayan Calendar, which shows 2012 as a time of Nibiru's return to Earth's vicinity. Thoth based the Mayan Calendar on the cosmological tale, the Enuma elish--the Creation Epic--below.

    The cosmology the "gods" dictated anthropomorphized the planets (as do Lovelock and Russell nowadays).  That is, the Nibirans regarded planetary bodies as having consciousness, will and ability to act.  I extracted the tale below from clay tablet inscriptions Mining Chief Enki and dictated to his scribe, Endubscar.  My late teacher, Zecharia Sitchin, translated Enki's tablets.  You can peruse the tablets in detail in "The Lost Book of Enki," 2002, pages 46-55. 

Sumerian Clay Tablet


Six thousand years ago, men from Nibiru dictated Enuma elish--the Creation Epic--to the Sumerians. From Sumer, The Epic spread to all Earth’s ancient civilizations; the Bible’s Old Testament echoes the Enuma.
Our Solar System grew from a gas cloud that circled the Milky Way Galaxy. The cloud rotated around its own center, spread and cooled. Planets coalesced from it and its center became our Sun.  "All parts of the Solar System kept moving in the original direction of the cloud, anticlockwise. Planets orbit the Sun in the same direction as the original nebula; so do their satellites" and debris from comets and asteroids. Nibiru, we’ll see, orbits the Sun clockwise. [Sitchin, Z., 1990 Genesis Revisited, page 70]
The Enuma depicts the System half a billion years after the Sun and its planets clarified. Enuma says how Earth, Moon, and the Asteroid Belt formed. The Epic reveals Nibiru, tells how the Nibirans rocketed to and settled Earth. Enuma details how Enki created our ancestors to slave, then gave them civilization. Our scientists confirm what Enuma depicts [Sitchin, Z., 2010, There Were Giants Upon The Earth, page103]. The summary I give below omits Enuma’s allegorical language. Enuma anthropomophized planets and stars as sentient and capable of choosing behaviors.
Four and a half billion years ago our Sun (then a solitary star) created the planet Tiamat, the proto-Earth. It orbited the Sun counterclockwise.
Next, the Sun created Mercury and propelled it with water and gold to Tiamat. Planet-pairs formed: Venus with Mars, Jupiter with Saturn, Uranus with Neptune. These planetary partners orbited the Sun counterclockwise (the same direction Tiamat followed) in the same orbital plane (ecliptic).  The planets' orbits shifted, "moving in unstable orbits, crowding toward Tiamat," making both Tiamat and Nibiru sprout moons.
Tiamat lacked a partner-planet, but one of her moons, Kingu, enlarged. Kingu prepared to partner with Tiamat as had Venus and Mars. Then Kingu could orbit the Sun, rather than Tiamat. But, four billion years ago, before Kingu could orbit around the Sun, Nibiru invaded the Solar System clockwise. The planets' orbits shifted, "moving in unstable orbits, crowding toward Tiamat," making both Tiamat and Nibiru sprout moons. [Sitchin, Z., 2010, There Were Giants Upon The Earth, page 105-107].
Nibiru’s gravity tore off a piece of Neptune and pulled the piece clockwise, Nibiru’s direction, into space near Neptune. That’s how Neptune’s moon, Triton, formed and why, unlike other moons in the System, Triton orbits its planet clockwise.

As Nibiru pierced our Solar System, Nibiru lost three of its moons but Nibiru gained four from Uranus. Nibiru tore four moons from Uranus. Not only that, but Nibiru's passing also tilted Uranus’ orbit.

In the first encounter between Proto-Earth and Nibiru, "the two planets did not collide: "winds"--satellites--of [Nibiru] struck Tiamat, "fracturing her midst" and "extinguishing her life." Nibiru and "his winds deal with Tiamats orbiting satellites. The smaller ones, shattering, became the retrograde [clockwise] orbiting comets." Kingu, our moon, "turned into a lifeless circler, doomed forever to circle Earth" rather than orbiting the Sun, as it would have been Nibiru not invaded the Solar System [Sitchin, Z., 2010, There Were Giants Upon The Earth, pages 111 - 114].
When it pierced our Solar System, Nibiru lost three of its moons and tore four moons from Uranus. When Nibiru passed Uranus, it tilted Uranus’s orbit.
Nibiru pulled Gaga, Saturn’s largest moon, into clockwise orbit (between Neptune and Uranus). We call Gaga Pluto.

One orbit of Nibiru into the inner solar system forced all Tiamat's newly sprouted moons from counterclockwise orbit into clockwise orbit. Tiamat’s new moons circled Nibiru instead of Tiamat and became "retrograde orbiting comets." Nibiru's perigee sucked off Kingu's air and blocked Kingu’s orbit around the Sun. Kingu remained Earth’s moon.

    200 million years ago, Evil Wind, one of Nibiru's moons, struck Tiamat. Then Nibiru itself hit Tiamat and gouged a huge gap, the Pacific Basin, in it. Chunks of Tiamat, now asteroids, careened into space. Earth’s what the collisions left of Tiamat. [Evidence: Cylinder seal from 2500 B.C., VA, Voderasiatisches Museum, Berlin].   [Evidence: Cylinder seal from 2500 B.C., VA, Voderasiatisches Museum, Berlin.] 

   Earth’s crust age is 4 billion years old on continents but only 200 million years old under the Pacific. The crust measures 12 - 45 miles deep on continents but only 3.5 - 5 miles under the Pacific. 200 million years ago, when Evil Wind and Nibiru hit Tiamat, no crust at all remained in the Pacific Gap, only a gaping hole. After the collisions, silt ran into the hole from the continents and volcanoes spewed lava into it; they created the thinner crust under the Pacific.

 Evil Wind and Nibiru, broke Earth’s crust into slabs. Then "Earth evolved and attained the shape of a globe dictated by the forces of gravity, the waters gathered into the cavity on the torn-off side.  Dry land appeared on the other side of the planet. Breakup of the Earth’s crust, plate tectonics, differences between continental and oceanic crusts, emergence of a Panggaia [a single continent] from under the waters, the primordial encircling ocean" led our scientists to confirm the Nibiran model of Earth formed after Evil Wind hit Tiamat. [Sitchin, Z., 1990, Genesis Revisited, pages 96 -105]. 



When Evil Wind and Nibiru hit Tiamat, they fused it with rare molybdenum, needed for enzymatic reactions. Nibiru and Evil Wind set a "single genetic code for all terrestrial life."  [Sitchin, Z., 1976, The Twelfth Planet, pages 255 -256]

In the Pacific, waters and life-seeds of Nibiru and Tiamat evolved together. Nibiru’s collision with what became Earth, Nibiru "seeded Earth giving it the biological and complex early forms of life, for whose appearance there is no other explanation. The oldest and simplest forms of life [on Earth] , more than 3,000,000,000 years old, had molecules of a biological origin. Life so soon after Earth was born was itself a descendent of some previous life form and not the result of the combination of lifeless chemicals and gases." [Sitchin, Z., 1976, The Twelfth Planet, pages 255 -256; 2010, There Were Giants Upon The Earth, page 109-114].
10,900 B.C.: Uranus drifted away from the Sun and sped Nibiru toward Earth sooner than 3,600 years. As Nibiru flew by, Uranus caught Miranda, a moon of Nibiru. Miranda, now a moon of Uranus, circled it instead of Nibiru. From 10,000B.C.E. on Uranus has boosted Nibiru’s speed so Nibiru circled the sun every 3450 Earth years rather than every 3600 years.   Nibiru next returns to the inner solar system in 2900A.D. rather than 2012 as predicated on the earlier 3600-year orbit [Sitchin, Z., 2007, The End of Days, pages 315 - 317].
Sumerian seal depicting
 (in background, upper left, 
between the two Nibirans), long
 before Copernicus, our solar system,
 including planets beyond 
unaided human eyesight.)  
  [Sitchin Cards 8 of Spades]

  Nibiru "comes in from the south and moves in a clockwise direction." It’s seeable first aligned with Mercury "30 degrees to the celestial axis of Sun-Earth-perigee. Coming closer to Earth and appearing to rise further in Earth’s skies another 30 degrees" crossing the orbit of Jupiter" and "finally arriving at the perigee, of the Place of Crossing" where Nibiru struck Proto-Earth (Tiamat) and began its orbit back into distant space." [Sitchin, Z., 1976, The Twelfth Planet, pages 

Nibirans dictated this rocket map.  From Nibiru to Earth, the rocket passes through vapor at 45o to the passage between Jupiter and Mars.
  [Sitchin 1978, The 12th Planet, page 274]


Nibiru kept its clockwise orbit equal to 3600 orbits of Earth around Solaris till 10,900 B.C.E., when Nibiru neared the sun sooner. Uranus had drifted away from Solaris; Uranus’ gravity sped Nibiru’s orbit.  Uranus captured Miranda, one of Nibiru’s moons.  Miranda now circles Uranus, not Nibiru. From 10,000B.C.E. on, the boost Uranus gave made Nibiru circle the sun in 3450 Earth years rather than 3600 years.  (Nibiru next returns to our inner solar system in 2900A.D., not 2012 as predicated on the earlier 3600-year orbit [Sitchin, Z., 2007, The End of Days, pages 315 - 317]

The gods told the Sumerians of water on asteroids, comets, Neptune, Uranus, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, also on the rings of Saturn and Saturn's and Jupiter's moons as well. Our astronomers recently confirmed this.

The Sumerian Creation Epic lends compelling evidence for the extraterrestrial settlement of Earth by Nibirans, the human astronauts who came to be regarded as the gods of Earth.

       Millennia passed after Nibiru and the solar system stabilized around the Sun. "Sumerian tablets describe Nibiru as "a radiating planet symbolized by a cross to indicate the planet of crossing [between Mars and Jupiter] but also radiation in the form of heat emerging from the planet." Its "thick atmosphere protects Nibiru against the long periods of cold while deep in space when the planet is farthest from the Sun as well as hot periods when it is closest to the Sun. Their wounded atmosphere brought the Anunnaki
[Nibiran mining expedition personnel] from Nibiru to Earth." When both Nibiru and Earth near perigee, people on Earth see Nibiru without telescopes [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 88; Sitchin, Z., 2010, There Were Giants Upon The Earth, page 116].
Nibiru’s the "cross" Earth periodically suffers and enjoys. The suffering which Nibiru brings Earth: rain, flood, earthquake; the joy: technological advances Nibirans give us. Sumerians and cultures that grew from them show Nibiru as a winged disk and a cross "for every 3,600 years kept crossing Earth’s orbital plane, the place where Nibiru hit Proto-Earth."

Sumerian Depiction of Nibiru

Nibiru’s also the "winged globe," home of the top "god." "Rulers of Sumer and Akkad, Babylon and Assyria, Elam and Uratu, Mari and Nuzi, Mitanni and Cannan, Hittite Kings, Egyptian Pharohs, Persian Shar’s"--as well as the ancient Hebrews–thought Nibiru the home of the supreme god. "All the peoples of the ancient world considered the nearing of Nibiru a sign of upheavals, great changes and new eras, expected to cause rains and flooding, [due to] its strong gravitational effects," which include "arrest in Earth’s spin on its own axis" for one day. Earthlings believed that when Nibiru showed "peace and justice would settle upon Earth" and "the Lord shall judge among the nations and repute many people" in "rains, inundations and earthquakes."   


The Winged Globe
Nibiru appears "from the south and moves clockwise." It first aligns with Mercury "30 degrees" to the ecliptic. As it nears Earth, Nibiru rises another 30 degrees," crosses Jupiter’s orbit and reaches perigee at "the Place of Crossing" where Nibiru struck Tiamat. Then Nibiru starts "back into distant space." [Sitchin, Z., 1976, The Twelfth Planet, pages 237 -246]
Nibiru evolved a violent, technologically-sophisticated, long-lived (but mortal) Homo Sapiens Sapiens-- the humans of Nibiru--whose level of development then approximates ours now [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 98].
500,000 years ago, Nibiru’s protective shield weakened. 
The thick atmosphere thinned. This impelled Nibirans to send miners to
 Earth for gold to powder Nibiru’s air with golddust, save their atmosphere, 
and keep the heat they needed [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 88].

Nibiru evolved a violent, technologically-sophisticated, long-lived (but mortal) Homo Sapiens Sapiens-- the humans of Nibiru--whose level of development then approximates ours now [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 98].

Sumerian Depiction of Nibiru


"Scientists now believe Earth’s atmosphere reconstituted initially from gasses spewed out from wounded Earth. Clouds thrown up from these eruptions shielded Earth and it began to cool, the vaporized water condensed and came down in torrential rains. Oxidation of rocks and minerals provided the first reservoir of higher levels of oxygen on Earth; plant life added both oxygen and carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and started the nitrogen cycle with the aid of bacteria. The fifth tablet of the Enuma elish describes the gushing lava as Tiamat’s "spittle as it poured forth, making the cold and ‘assembling the water clouds; after that the ‘foundations of Earth were raised and the oceans gathered–just as the verses of Genesis reiterated. Thereafter life appeared: green herbage upon the continents and ‘swarms’in the waters." [Sitchin, Z.,1990, Genesis Revisited, page 134]. (Genesis condenses a version of Enuma.)

3.4 billion years ago, "clays acted as chemical laboratories where inorganic materials were processed into more complex molecules. Inorganic proto-organisms in the clay acted as a template from which living organisms [one- celled microscopic algae like today’s blue-green algae] evolved. Defects in the clays acted as sites where stored energy and chemical directions for the formation of proto-organisms developed." Green algae’s "the precursor of chlorophyllic plants that use sunlight to convert their nutrients to organic compounds, emitting oxygen in the process after algae spread upon dry land. For plantlike forms to process oxygen, they needed rocks containing iron to bind the oxygen; free oxygen was still poison to life forms. Such banded-iron formations sank into ocean bottoms as sediments, the single-celled organisms evolved into multicelled ones in the water. The covering of the lands with algae preceded the emergence of maritime life [Sitchin, Z.,1990, Genesis Revisited, pages 136 - 139] .

Crick and Orgel, our Nobel laureate scientists, say, in "Directed Panspermia [Icarus, vol. 19], a technologically advanced society on another planet in a specially designed spaceship with due protection and a life-sustaining environment, seeded Earth" Crick and Orgel "rule out the possibility that the essential genetic material had time to evolve on Earth." They found the same twenty amino acids in all living organisms on Earth. All Earth’s organisms, when they evolved, incorporated within themselves the same four nucleotides–that and no other. [Sitchin, Z.,1990, Genesis Revisited, page 152].

The Nibirans "figured out the course of evolution on Earth." The first maritime vertebrates appeared 500 million years ago; land vertebrates, 100 million years later. 225 million years ago, fish abounded in the waters. Sea plants, and amphibians transitioned from water to land. Plants on land attracted the amphibians to evolve into egg-laying reptiles. Reptiles who flew evolved as birds; those who roamed Earth evolved as dinosaurs. 65 million years ago, dinosaurs came to an abrupt end. "Full agreement here" among the Enuma, Genesis and modern science. [Sitchin, Z., 1990, Genesis Revisited, pages 141 - 145].

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