
Saturday, August 31, 2013

ALERT! PROOF The Biggest EVENT in History is About to Happen!!! " NIBIRU - NEMESIS - PLANET X - COMET ISON "

The Harbinger: the Ancient Mystery that holds the secret of America's Future

The Stone Of Judgement that was placed on Ground Zero by American leaders and the ancient drama they re-enacted. The ancient mystery that affected your savings, your bank account, your financial future, and the American and global economy
The Sign Of The Sycamore and the prophetic revelation it contains concerning Wall Street and the future of America as a superpower
The Mystery Of The Erez Tree that was lowered at the corner of Ground Zero in fulfillment of a Biblical prophecy
The Day a Vice-Presidential Candidate Uttered the ancient proclamation of judgment… on America
The Mystery Hidden At the Ground of America’s Founding & the prophetic message it contains for this hour
How The Two Greatest Collapses In Financial History each took place on the exact same day and hour, on the precise year and day ordained from ancient times
The Prophecy That Was Proclaimed To The World Spoken From Capitol Hill the day after 9/11 - and then came to fulfillment
And What is Yet To Come . . .

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