
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mystery explosion destroys 2 homes in Phoenix suburb

Investigators were combing through the charred remains of two Arizona homes for clues Monday after they were destroyed by a mysterious late-night explosion in a Phoenix suburb.

Local residents in Chandler, Arizona said they heard loud blasts and debris from the first home battering the house next door Sunday night.

Police have been in touch with the man who owns the home that exploded. His name was not released. He was described as an older man who lives alone and was not home when the blast happened.

"It appears that no one was inside the house, but we're not going to completely rule that out until we go completely through the entire house step by step," said David Raymer of the Chandler Police Department.

A woman living in the second home was able to get out of the burning house safely, the Red Cross said.

More than 100 911 calls were placed Sunday night by concerned neighbors after the explosion. Read More

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