
Monday, November 21, 2011

Surviving Martial Law Today!!!

Understanding & Surviving Martial Law Today is the complete guide to preparing and surviving martial law when it goes into effect.

But let me tell you, this ebook was not published here without MUCH
opposition. Some of my friends, who also happen to be high ranking
public officials, did not want me to put this information out there.
They admitted everything was accurate but they were extremely
worried about my safety by putting this information out there.

But I don't care about the potential safety risks. I'm putting this information out there as an American, loyal to other AMERICANS, not the dirty "American government."

After all, if none of us stand up for our rights, our American heritage, and everything we stand for as American citizens, this country is doomed!

That's why in Understanding & Surviving Martial Law Today you're going to learn everything I know about preparing & surviving in a Martial Law situation so that you're ready to get prepared and protected from a Martial Law attack. Just some of what you'll discover is...

  • Historic Martial Law Secrets - You'll learn the historic meaning of Martial Law, where it's been used, when it's been used, and why it may be used on us Americans soon.

  • The True Definition Of Martial Law - You can't understand Martial Law by reading an online article or looking it up in Wikipedia. The things that happen during martial law are kept under wraps for the most part, but not anymore! In this downloadable ebook you'll learn the true definition of Martial Law and how it will affect your safety - this is eye opening stuff.

  • Executive Orders, FEMA, And Control - Executive orders have played a huge part in the ability for the government to enact Martial Law control over us American Citizens. You'll learn the dirty truth about our last three presidents, and how FEMA and "population control" play a huge part in Martial Law!

  • Effective Crisis Survival - Here you'll get the basics about surviving a crisis without it being a life ending event. Management, sustenance, and keeping your cool are all taught in easily followed form.

  • Realistic Survival Tactics - We're not all MacGyver or trained military personnel. You're going to learn real world survival tactics that anyone can use to ensure their safety. This is for men, women, and even can be taught to your children! This will ensure you and your family make it through and sustain effectively.

  • "Head Down" Survival Mode - When Martial Law is enacted, you need to know how to function in a way that stays under the radar. I'll show you how to live in "Heads Down" mode, while still maintaining an encouraging quality of life. This is essential if you want to make it through a Martial Law takeover!

  • Staying Alive & Utilizing Networks - You'll learn how to stay alive, when other people may parish, and how to utilize Networks to gain intelligence and essential items you need for survival! This will ensure that you and your family aren't forced to live in low-grade conditions.

  • Combating Surveillance & The Police State - When Martial Law goes into action, you can bet that privacy will be a thing of the past, at least for most people. In this section you'll learn how to protect your privacy, how the government and military will be utilizing surveillance against you, and how to enjoy privacy in a "Police State" environment.

  • Covert Communications Tactics - If you think that communication is going to be the same when Martial Law goes into action, think again. Cell phones and the Internet will be a thing of the past. However, there are a few tools you can use to enjoy open communication, long range, while keeping private!

  • Preparation Vs. Paranoia - This section will show you how to get past paranoia, and how to prepare for a Martial Law takeover so that you can not only survive, but thrive during this ordeal! This is essential to "keeping your head," and ensuring the survival of your family.

  • Martial Law Economics - Economics is a completely different ball game when it comes to living in a Martial Law environment. I'm going to show you how to survive economically in a Martial Law takeover as well as discuss things like precious metals, hoarding, and several other economic factors!

  • Food, Rations, And Nourishment - Food, water, and nourishment are the most important factors for survival. If you don't have them, you die, plain and simple. You're going to learn why having a few cases of canned food and bottled water will not sustain you in a Martial Law takeover, and what you REALLY need to survive. This is earth shattering stuff here that I've not seen discusses anywhere previously!

  • Current Threat Management - You'll learn to easily gauge current Martial Law threat levels so that you can make sure you're completely prepared. This system will ensure that when a Martial Law takeover happens, you're ready to ride it out and survive comfortably!

  • From Fantasy To Real Threat - This section will show you how to be prepared for a real world Martial Law takeover, rather than it just being some fantasy that isn't perceived as real. This will make the rubber meet the road and really pull everything together for you.

The Understanding & Surviving Martial Law Today ebook is obviously packed with all the information you need to prepare & survive a Martial Law takeover.

There is nothing left to chance here. Every stone is uncovered, every detailed dissected, and every question answered.

After reading this ebook, you'll be able to easily prepare for a takeover and protect yourself, your family, and your friends (if you desire).

We both know the answer to that question...You can't put a value on the safety of you or your loved ones. The Understanding & Surviving Martial Law ebook enables you to take control of your safety now. As an American, you'll be able to protect yourself and your family efficiently and effectively.

When Martial Law is enacted and we're all living in a hostile "Police State" type of environment, you and I will be safely thriving, along with our families by using the simple tactics shared in Understanding & Surviving Martial Law Today.

ONLY 29.97!

While writing the Understanding & Surviving Martial Law ebook, there were several things that just didn't fit with the flow of the book that I wanted to cover. In order to cover these essential safety topics, I wrote a cornucopia of valuable reports, which I initially planned to sell separately.

However, I wanted to make sure this package was complete and that you had every last tool available to you in order to ensure the safety of you and your family.

Because of this, I'm including all 4 highly valuable, and content rich reports with your purchase, absolutely free..

Check out these highly informative reports...

You will also get 4 downloadable bonus books absolutely free!


With crime being more present than ever, knowledge of self protection is crucial. Pepper spray is one of the most common and effective forms of self protection. The information in this guide gives essential information about using this defense tool.


Do you trust the person knocking on your door? It's difficult to trust anyone unexpectedly coming over these days. This guide provides the tips you need to keep unwanted visitors away from your home.


Do you have a safe place to go in the event of terrorist attacks and burglaries? A safe room, also known as a panic room, is essential for you and your family's safety. This book explains the proper steps in making a safe room for any type of threat.


Protecting yourself from home intrusions can be a difficult task. A wireless alarm system for your driveway will always make you aware of who is coming to your home. This is a great security measure for anyone who wants to protect themselves from unwanted visitors.

Understanding & Surviving Martial Law Today was created for the everyday American to put into action quickly. If you don't have any military training, police training, or tactical training, that doesn't matter, you don't need it.

You'll learn every last detail for preparing, setting up, and surviving through a Martial Law situation, even if you know very little about Martial Law.

The downloadable Understanding & Surviving Martial Law ebook, and all the bonuses, are written in easy to understand language, not technical terms.

If you can read a simple manual and follow a few easy steps, you can do everything I show you to protect you and your family. And how great it will feel once you know you and your family are protected!

Best of all, this book is dirt cheap. Understanding & Surviving Martial Law Today, and all the bonuses can be yours for the measly sum of $29.97.

That's right, for less than the cost of a tank of gas, you can ensure the safety of you and your family indefinitely.

It's time to take control of the safety of you and your family. Grab your copy of the Understanding & Surviving Martial Law Today downloadable ebook now and claim your 4 high value bonuses.

You will be instantly taken to a secure download page where you can easily save this downloadable ebook and all the bonuses to your computer with a few simple mouse clicks!

ONLY 29.97!

If you haven't prepared for a Martial Law takeover, you and your family are at risk of potential harm and invasion of your privacy. You need to protect yourself and your family so that when a Martial Law takeover happens, you're prepared to live through the ordeal.

Understanding & Surviving Martial Law Today shows you not only how to easily prepare for Martial Law, but also how to thrive in spite of the situation.

While other people will be depresses, paranoid, and have their privacy and rights violated over and over, you and your family will be safe. Is there really a price you can put on the safety of your family? We both know the answer to that is no...

But it's nice to know that Understanding & Surviving Martial Law today can be yours for the extremely affordable price of $29.97, and that you get all 4 high value bonuses for free.

Order your copy of Understanding & Surviving Martial Law Today now and get all the freebies that come along with it. Prepare yourself, and protect your family.

P.S. Don't forget that you receive the 4 bonus ebooks just for ordering today. I may eventually take these out of the offer and sell them separately (they're that good), so act now and ensure you get these bonuses!

P.P.S Don't forget that you're also backed up by our iron clad guarantee. If for any reason you don't think these inside tactics for protecting your family will keep you safe, let me know and I'll refund every cent of your purchase price.

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