
Monday, November 28, 2011

Occupy LA says they will STAY... despite Mayor's order that protesters must leave by Monday

Occupy LA protesters say they intend to stay put despite a deadline from Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to move out by Monday.

Although a few broke camp today, most said they didn't intend to. Instead demonstrators busied themselves preparing for clashes with the authorities come Monday's deadline.

Dozens attended a class on resistance tactics, including how to stay safe when dealing with rubber bullets, tear gas and pepper spray.

Some gave out mocked up signs advertising a Monday morning 'eviction block party.' in the style of the City's eviction notice.

Demonstrator Will Picard said the leaders and many occupiers he has spoken to plan to stay, msnbc reported.

Picard said: 'Their plan is to resist the closure of this encampment and if that means getting arrested so be it.'Read More

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