
Monday, November 28, 2011

Nearly a third of schools 'not good enough': UK

Nearly a third of schools 'not good enough': UK

Almost a third of schools are failing to provide children with a good standard of education, Ofsted warned today.

Inspectors said some 30 per cent of primaries and secondaries in England were no better than satisfactory.

In its annual report, the watchdog also warned that too many schools were "stubbornly" under-performing.

According to figures, around one-in-seven have been judged merely "satisfactory" - Ofsted's second-lowest rating - twice in a row, with little capacity to get better.

The conclusion comes just weeks after David Cameron warned that hundreds of schools in England were "coasting".

In an article for The Daily Telegraph, the Prime Minister said there was a “shocking gap” between the best and worst schools and that the “secret failure” of comprehensives in wealthy shires and market towns was as significant as the problems facing schools in deprived, inner-city areas. more

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