
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hercolubus (Planet X) Breaking News. New Mayan Secret Glyph On Brick, Predicts Apocalypse On 2012.

Hercolubus (Planet X) Breaking News. New Mayan Secret Glyph On Brick, Predicts Apocalypse On 2012.

Mayas knew the cyclical visit of Hercolubus, which means the end of the current civilization every time. So they finished its calendar in that date.

Recently Archaeologists in Mexico have discovered a 1,300-year-old Mayan inscription on a carved brick fragment at a ruin at Comalcalco, south Mexico. It is the second Mayan mention to an apocalypse on 2012.

The Mayan civilization reached its height from AD 300 to 900. Its Long Count calendar begins in 3,114 BC, marking time in roughly 394-year periods known as Baktuns. The 13th Baktun, the last one, ends on Dec. 23, 2012, according to the Tortuguero tablet inscription.

Bolon Yokte, a Mayan God associated with war and creation, will "descend from the sky" at that time. It represents the Hercolubus inbound.

Both inscriptions, the Comalcalco brick and the Tortuguero tablet, were carved 1,300 years ago, and both refer to the date December 23, 2012 as the end of the 5,200-year Mayan calendar cycle. Then the cosmos is regenerated, completing a cycle of creation.

The Comalcalco glyph is carved into the back of a brick found in an ancient temple ruins, so hidden from view while the temple of which it was part still stood.

Mayas created the most precise manner of time-keeping.

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