
Friday, November 25, 2011

Heavy Storms in Southern Coast

Heavy Storms in Southern Coast


Sri Lanka’s Southern Coast is hit by a severe storm since 9.00 a.m. today. In the Matara district many trees, light posts and name boards have been uprooted. Roofs of many schools have been damaged by the storm. It has also damaged many buildings and roads are impassable. The Disaster Management Centre informed that although they have formed Rescue and Clearing Teams with the assistance of the Security Forces these teams are unable to move in at the moment since the storm is still continuing and the teams will move in as soon as it becomes possible. The storm is being experienced from Galle up to Dondra.

A similar situation is reported from the Galle District as well. The roads are impassable and in this district too many trees, light posts and name boards have been uprooted and schools and houses are being damaged. (niz).

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