
Thursday, May 05, 2011

UFO Footage Over Hawaii: You Won't Believe Your Eyes

Look everyone, the Illuminati are having fun with their new play things! I'm no longer a UFO skeptic. Please, someone, debunk this one for me. Can anyone? Pay close attention to 7:30 to the end of the video, I guess they were called home for dinner.

UFO Sighting of Fleet of Orbs over Hawaii Military base on April, 2011

Astonishing footage that shows five UFOs hovering above the Makua Military Reservation, outside of the city of Honolulu on the island of Oahu in Hawaii has been released onto the Internet and is creating a buzz on dozens of online UFO forums (see video above). Commentators and researchers are comparing the UFO fleet seen in the video below to the fleets seen and filmed at various locations above Japan before, during and after the tsunami and earthquake.

UFO sightings at military installations have been documented by dozens of researchers, such as Mr Robert Hastings, who has written and lectured extensively on UFO sightings, in particular, in the vicinity of nuclear weapons sites. Hundreds of ex-military personnel have come forward and testified to witnessing alien activity during their period of service.


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