
Thursday, May 05, 2011

UFO Behind Comet Say Chinese scientists

The Russian astronomer, Leonid Elenin, Institute of Applied Mathematics "Keldish", discovered December 10, 2010, close to Jupiter (more extact between Mars and Jupiter), a new comet, C/2010 X1 (Elenin)
May 3, 2011
Foto: Web


Based on reports issued by China's space agency , Sergio Toscano , director of astronomical research in Misiones , says that behind the comet Elenin could be approaching a UFO .

"Behind the comet, discovered in December last year, Chinese scientists say that is something they called cluster , which means globular cluster , or perhaps alien spacecraft , "said Toscano .

According to the report quotes the astronomer mission, the space body would be found in the comet's tail and was after that looked mysterious signals that came off of an unknown formation "weird and dark" .

And more. According to Toscano's words , the Chinese have said that the ship is parked in the same place for ninety days, "before that looked like it was coming from an extraterrestrial civilization , "said Argentine scientist.

According to the Daily Chronicle , this phenomenon was confirmed by Rosie Redfiel , the new director of the Program of NASA's Astrobiology . "But when NASA began to make calculations and projections of orbit of the comet, they realized that something was wrong and the first thing they did was remove the website which provided information on this issue, "said Toscano.

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