New forecasts show a very predominate cloud of radiation that seems to blanket most of the United states in the next few days. Looking at the map you can see that the brunt of this cloud will hit the Western United States as well as Canada very hard. With steady winds flowing from japan and heading east ,we will continue to see this happen. As mentioned in other articles, food supplies have already seen reports of low levels of Radiation being tested, and with these new massive fallout clouds heading east I’m sure these levels will increase.
As you will read below, this map was never intended for everyday citizens to find. Thanks to Alexander for his hard work at digging this up!
Much to my surprise the file “20110508_I-131_FUKU.gif” didn’t pull up i-131 dispersion plume. Instead it pulled the WORLD XENON radiation plume projection and it looks bad.” says Alexander.
UPDATE: Apparently they have realized the error and the url now points to the correct iodine forecast.
UPDATE 2: Here is a YouTube screen recording of the forecast. If anyone would like to volunteer to host the original let me know. It is 1.25 MB and I don’t have the bandwidth to host it.
This isn’t the first time this website has been caught covering up Japan nuclear radiation forecasts either.
As previously reported, the YouTube user dutchsinse discovered one set of radiation forecasts had been issued to the public and another provided to government officials.
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