
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mars Probe Shocker: Are These Trees on Mars?

NASA snap ... 'trees' on the Red Planet

NASA snap ... 'trees' on the Red Planet

During the panel discussion at Megalithomania here in Glastonbury yesterday, I heard the esteemed author Robert Temple speak of his close friendship with Clarke and the time when Clarke showed him photos of Mars that clearly showed trees growing on the surface. Clarke insisted to his old friend this was an accurate NASA photo. In front of the entire audience Robert Temple asserted that he is quite sure his friend Clarke was not misleading him in this regard. As I told the crowd and Temple, those photos have been seen by us and are available on the net by the way. (see below..)

Note: You will note that the SUN article states these are not trees but "sand"... I would lay odds that Clarke is much more likely to be telling the truth. Project Camelot endeavored to get an interview with Arthur C. Clarke before he died and we were unfortunately unsuccessful. We were told by Henry Deacon (Arthur Neumann) and Richard C. Hoagland that Arthur C. Clarke knew a great deal about what is really going on behind the scenes.

I will never forget Arthur Neumann's emphasis on Clarke's 2010 A Space Odyssey "ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS EXCEPT EUROPA. ATTEMPT NO LANDING THERE." Not long ago I asked a source about thiis and was told, that the reason Europa is off-limits is because it is a "military outpost".. The next question I had which has yet to be answered is, whose?...


A MARS probe has stunned NASA scientists by sending home pictures of what look like TREES.

Rows of dark "conifers" appear to sprout from alien hills on the Red Planet.

But the scene is actually a remarkable optical illusion.

Sight to behold ... Mars
Sight to behold ... Mars
For the view is of sand dunes coated with a thin layer of frozen carbon dioxide - or dry ice - less than 240 miles from the planet's north pole.

The "trees" are really trails of debris caused by landslides as ice melts in Mars's spring.

You can even see a cloud of dust, just to the left of centre of the picture, where an avalanche is caught happening.

The photo was taken from orbit around Mars by HiRISE, the most powerful camera sent to another planet.

NASA's Candy Hansen said: "The streaks are sand, dislodged as ice evaporates, which slide down the dune.

At this time of the martian year the whole scene is covered by CO2 frost."

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