
Monday, May 09, 2011

Human Face Discovered on Mars

Click on the image to enlarge it

Wow this is some find! It was sent to us from Matteo Ianneo in Italy. Bravo. Sure looks like a face to me. The coordinates, Latitude 33°12’29.82″N, Longitude 12°55’51.21″W, are confirmed and are found in the Google map of Mars.

Forty-six year old Ianneo says he is passionate about the riddles of Mars. He is from from the Puglia Region and the town of Cerignola (FG).

Ianneo says he discovered the new face on Mars by examining pictures sent back to Earth from an ESA probe orbiting the Red Planet and worked into Google’s map of Mars. He presents the photos below. He is unsure if the photos are optical illusions or a real sculptured face but feels the images will never-the-less cause a sensation around the world.

BIN thanks Matteo Ianneo for the contribution of these fascinating images.

Here’s a link to download Google Earth which also contains Google’s map of Mars, if you wish to confirm the images for yourself.


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