
Friday, May 06, 2011

HAARP expert, human rights defender predicted deadly storms (video)

A situation is gaining national interest due to investigative journalist and human rights defender known as Dutch Since, who specializes in HAARP weather warfare and unmistakably predicted this week's series of deadly southland's storms with extraordinary accuracy. He allegedly bases his predictions on HAARP rings and scaler squares that he documents on video using official US data.

On the 26th, Since presented geo-engineering information in a video that indicated areas in the south that would be hit. Over 250 people perished in the storms. ("Watch terrifying tornado footage from southern storms," Yahoo)

Geo-engineering, the artificial modification of the earth's climate systems, is an environment modification (ENMOD) science for "deliberate manipulation of natural processes - the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space that can be applied as a weapon of mass destruction." (See: "Geo-engineers at annual conference to face human rights defender rally (videos)," Dupré, D., National Human Rights |

"Geo-engineering projects range from declassified experimentation, such as dumping particles into the oceans to attract algae that sequesters carbon and theoretically slows global warming, to highly classified experimentation such as aerosol spraying." (Geoengineers at annual conference to face human rights defender rally (videos))

Weather Mitigation

The original prediction of the storms was presented in an April 26 Youtube video that Since uploaded April 27 entitled, "HAARP rings & Scalar Squares - Dallas to Watertown NY = tornados / severe weather",

Little Rock Chief Meteorologist for KARK 4 noted to viewers odd formations during the special tornado warnings program a week before this week's killer storms:

Along with sending endearing comments of concern to his wife on the program each time a tornado neared their home, Chief Metorologist Francis repeated several times during the special program that evening that he had never seen such strangely forming tornadoes.

Viewers saw a particularly animated Chief Meteorologist that night when the map clearly indicated a tornado had formed on the east side of one of the many storms, rather on the typical west side in the direction it was moving.
"This is really atypical, isn't it?" the Chief Meteorologist asked his colleague. ("Expert: 10s of 1000s Dixieland evacuees possible", Dupré, D.,, April 22)

'Weather Modification is REAL — several companies work FOR the government," states Since, adding the link to a video:

" YES.. these are “real” companies.. they have been HIRED BY THE US GOVERNMENT and major corporations like PG&E !! also, they have been sponsored by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison from Texas.

Since reports that "they have a name for it.. and its not “haarp”… its called “weather mitigation” aka HAARP and Chemtrails."
According to Since, there is an airport NEXRAD connection and he says the technology "excites the chemtrails... listed as silver iodide, liquid propane, dry ice and various salt compounds."
"The North American Interstate Weather Modification Council (NAIWMC) exists to facilitate free exchange of information on weather modification technologies, and to advance the proper use of weather modification technologies through education, promotion and research." (NAIWMC,
NAIWMC boasts on it website, "The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee approved S.601, the Weather Mitigation Research and Development Policy Authorization Act, sponsored by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX). The bill would establish a Weather Mitigation Research Program in the National Science Foundation." (NAIWMC)

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