
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Green fireball reported over Jacksonville, Florida

A Jacksonville, FL, witness reports watching a "green fireball fall down to Earth" at 10:05 p.m. on April 29, 2011, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

"I was jogging toward the north when, in the corner of my eye, I saw a green flash in the sky," the witness stated. "I stopped to watch as my first instinct was that it might be a passenger jet with a serious problem. For about 5 seconds I watched a green fireball fall down to the Earth. This was toward the west. The event only lasted about 5 seconds before it disappeared in a bright flash."

No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on April 29, 2011. Jacksonville is the largest city in Florida, in Duval County, population 821,784.

Florida is a current UFO ALERT 3 rating, with a high number of UFO sightings nationally. Florida had 23 UFO reports in March 2011 - while California had 45 sightings, the highest reporting state in the nation.

You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. The most up-to-date UFO information can be heard at web radio show UFO Traffic Report every Wednesday, 9 - 10:30 p.m. EST, which includes a UFO Witness Testimony Program segment, and an update of the UFO ALERT national rating system. Past shows are available at the Archive page.

FL, April 29, 2011 - Green fire ball falling toward the west followed by a pastel colored bubble ship appearing toward the south. MUFON Case # 28861.

I was out jogging threw my neighborhood at about 10:05 on 4/29/2011 here in JAX FL U.S.A. I was jogging toward the North when in the corner of my eye I saw a green flash in the sky , I stopped to watch as my first instinct was that it might be a passenger jet with a serious problem. For about 5 seconds I watched a green fireball fall down to the Earth, this was toward the west. The event only lasted about 5 seconds before it disappeared in a bright flash.

After seeing the first event I then turned around now heading south in a hurry to get my family outside in case there was more to see. I then noticed a pastel colored object that resembled a symmetrical gathering of light bubbles. I then watched this for about 15 seconds before it disappeared.

A few things to note, we get a lot of air traffic here where I live and I am very use to seeing aircraft of all types as I go walking at night often. This includes shooting stars as well.

Also early on about 2 minutes or so before I viewed the fireball I noticed a group of lights which resembled a plan heading south that performed a sharp U-turn to the north/west. It seemed to sharp a turn for your average passenger plane.

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