
Friday, May 13, 2011


Orbit Diagram

Make sure you have Java enabled on your browser to see the applet.
This applet is provided as a 3D orbit visualization tool.
The applet was implemented using 2-body methods,
and hence should not be used for determining accurate long-term trajectories
(over several years or decades) or planetary encounter circumstances
For accurate long-term ephemerides, please instead use our Horizons system.

Orbit Viewer

Additional Notes: the orbits shown in the applet are color coded. The planets are white lines, and the asteroid/comet is a blue line. The bright white line indicates the portion of the orbit that is above the ecliptic plane, and the darker portion is below the ecliptic plane. Likewise for the asteroid/comet orbit, the light blue indicates the portion above the ecliptic plane, and the dark blue the portion below the ecliptic plane.

Orbit Viewer applet originally written and kindly provided by
Osamu Ajiki (AstroArts),
and further modified by
Ron Baalke (JPL).

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