
Monday, May 16, 2011

Bible Prophecy Time Line: Where We Might Be

Chapter 8 in Revelation gives a time line of certain events. Seven Angels each are given specific tasks. Is it possible that we are already at event number 3? Consider the following.

Starting with Chapter 8 verse 8, A great mountain burning with fire is cast into the sea, a third part of the sea became blood, and a third part of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, died, and a third part of the ships were destroyed.

Well, if there was ever a mountain burning with fire and cast into the sea, it would be the Deep Water Horizon rig. Just my opinion, but knowing that this event has destroyed the Gulf and is in the process of basically wiping out a third of sea life, it's a pretty good fit. Uncomfortably so. It fit so well that I have to consider the possibility that these events just might not be in exact order.

Next, the great star that falls from heaven, called Wormwood. Well, if you don't know about Elenin and all the talk surrounding it, it's time to learn. If this does occur as a lot of people believe, this puts us at number THREE out of seven-IF they are in order. Keep in mind that I am not certain that the first events haven't already occurred. It may be they are speaking of events over areas of the Earth that we wouldn't necessarily recognize immediately. Context.

It gets worse. Or better depending on which side of the fence you're on. The sun is affected next. Makes perfect sense considering the effects Elenin is supposed to have on the sun.

So here we are, possibly staring eternity in the face with all the information we need to either believe or reject what we read in the Holy Bible. How much more proof does one need? Writing in the sky? Come on, folks. The track record of Bible prophecy is way beyond chance. It is simply not arguable. Very little time remains to wake up and “get right”. Here's the problem as I see it.

Pride. It's a real soul-killer. For your own sake and your family, command that selfish, obstinate, pathetic pride to stand down. Then ask your Creator- The God of Abraham Issac and Jacob, to reveal Himself to you. Do you think for an instant that He would not do this? Have a little faith! Be open to the possibility that you just MIGHT be WRONG on a few things! Wouldn't it be nice to be at peace within yourself? To sleep at night without worry? To “let it go” knowing that in the end, now, it's going to be ok? He never said it would be easy. But at least now you'll know it counts for something.

Look, I realize that there are wonderful mysteries in this world. Old civilizations. Old knowledge. Strange and wonderful artifacts. Written records of ancient times that are fascinating. Honest-to-goodness rock-solid evidence of past civilizations on Mars for crying out loud! We're learning things just about every day that-if we are open minded- totally changes our perception of religion, including Christianity. That's GOOD! It has made me stronger, because my foundation is solid. It has enabled me to get beyond religious boundaries created by the limitations of man's knowledge and ability, and yes in some cases, control. And you know what I've found? God is still there. He hasn't changed. He is still the God of Love. He's still anxiously waiting for you to come to Him, so that He can make you a part of His family. It has always been, and always will be, your choice. It's completely up to you.

Carefully consider that if you turn away, what will you have gained? He makes it clear: 'Of what value is it to you if you gain the whole world, but lose your own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?' How much is that pride of yours really worth?

You and I both know that there are many “voices” in this world proclaiming to be “the” way. You may take comfort in knowing that the Holy Bible and it's treasure of knowledge is a wonderful, safe, life changing place to start your journey. God never lies or deceives, and He has no problem with you questioning established belief systems. Trust me, He's a little bit above all that. So what are you waiting for? Flying tin cans in the sky? Let's not go there...

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