
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

2 Elenin - Massive Object Coming In Towards Us 2

2 Elenin - Massive Object Coming In Towards Us 2

On 5/10/11, ELENIN was updated to only be .004 AU away from Earth on Oct 17-19. That places ELENIN between us and the Moon and only 37,000 miles away from Earth! And to make matters worse, ELENIN is estimated to be the size of Jupiter! The earlier calculations were .232AU which was 21million miles away from Earth.

What of the recent shut down of the Buzzroom @ This forum went offline after a nasa employee re-calculated the trajectory and placed the Astronomical units away from earth from .024 to .004. this would be the equivalent of approximately 37,000 miles away.

With permission from Acentury331, I mirrored / plugged his audio to have you listen to what he has to say on the coming events this Fall 2011. Needless to say, this man has done countless hours of research on topics such as, The Anunnaki, Ancient Sumerians, Ancient Egyptians, Mayan prophecy, Hopi prophecy, Cuneiform script, Mesopotamia, Babylon, and the list goes on!

He also has friends that work or have worked at the JPL facility, and he's also an amateur astronomer.

Please take a look at what he has to say. He has many videos on this topic, and his Youtube channel is: Acentury331 or

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CNN: Have UFOs Been To Earth? (29th September 2010)

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