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Planet x


» »Unlabelled » Comet Elenin will be close to Venus around mid September, precisely when Venus will have re-emerged from behind the Sun

Quatrain IV-28
Lors que Venus du Sol sera couuert,
Soubs l'esplendeur sera forme occulte:
Mercure au feu les aura descouuert,
Par bruit bellique sera mis l'insulte.
When Venus will be covered by the Sun,
Under the splendor will be a hidden form:
Mercury will have exposed them to the fire,
Through warlike noise it will be insulted.
- Nostradamus

Line 1: "When Venus will be covered by the Sun"

This line is straightforward enough and describes an Earth-Sun-Venus or Earth-Venus-Sun alignment. In other words, superior or inferior conjunction of Venus, like the one we are going to see around August 16, 2011 (Venus superior conjunction).

Line 2: "Under the splendor will be a hidden form"

A mysterious "hidden form"? Comet Elenin will be close to Venus around mid September, precisely when Venus will have re-emerged from behind the Sun as the Evening Star. For those in the ~0-40 deg. N. latitude zone (covering all of US), the Venusian "rebirth" (reappearance) will happen right around September 11, coinciding with Comet Elenin's perihelion (closest approach to the Sun).

Line 3: "Mercury will have exposed them to the fire"

The upcoming planetary alignment will involve not only Earth, Sun, and Venus but also Mercury (Earth-Mercury-Sun-Venus). Mercury will be "covered by the Sun" along with Venus. This makes the alignment quite rare and unique compared to mere Venus inferior/superior conjunction.

Line 4: "Through warlike noise it will be insulted"

"Warlike noise"... Disinformation? Wars and rumors of war? Some kind of negative consequences, apparently.

* * *

So, could the mysterious "hidden form" be Comet Elenin (directly or indirectly) and could it be under intelligent control capable of unleashing "Contact"?

About The Real Signs of Time

Think for yourself” is probably the most important advice an educated person can hear. Unfortunately, its meaning has become ambiguous.
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